Call_Of_Minecraft-Zombies copied to clipboard
A Minecraft plugin designed to recreate the Call of Duty Zombies game mode!
Should we use shifting as the mechanic to repair barriers instead of breaking a sign?
I have a large amount of players in my server so that I create a big zombie map but it seems too easy and easily bored while 6-8 players are...
the ability to store stats in a database so that people can project the players stats between servers within a bungee setup
@insideintel pointed out that spawn points aren't going away. Made a fix [here](, but there's still a bigger underlying issue
Along with Signs, Power should be able to be activated with levels, buttons, etc... Add text above to show they are "power"
Again, no pun intended. I would be on the Main level of Nacht, and dogs would spawn on the top floor, which sucks but isnt the biggest issue since you...
after a successful /zombies adddoor command is completed, the plugin flips the block being used, not sure the direction. This seems to happen with non regular blocks. So stairs or...
Have Weapon packs with different COD weapons. While creating the Arena at the beginning, you could also declare a weapon pack or COD pack "W@W" "BO1" "BO2" "BO3" "ALL" for...
I dont believe Double Tap is a thing. I could be wrong But even so. It would be nice to have the choice between Double Tap 1.0 and 2.0 Depending...
Soul Boxs that open doors! They would work like this you could place as many "Soul Boxs" as you wanted around your map Inside the "arenas.json" each arena could have...