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Quality of Life From ALTTP GBA Port
Add some quality-of-life features from ALTTP's GBA port. This isn't everything, and I haven't checked if any of these are already implemented, but I'm listing everything I think is worth adding (or at least considering) just so it's comprehensive. These are lifted from the wiki page, BTW.
Pure QOL
- When Link's Rupee, Arrow or Bomb carrying capacity is full, the color of the amount's number changes to yellow to signify this.
- Obtaining an item which consumes Magic now fills the Magic Meter.
- Obtaining the Bow gives Link 10 Arrows (or maybe getting it should fill arrows to max instead).
- Pots can now be shattered using Arrows or the Golden Sword, and Silver Arrows can break through entire rows of pots.
- Signs can be destroyed with the Master Sword and its upgrades.
- Bushes can now be destroyed using the Magic Hammer.
- Link can now cancel a warp after being picked up by the bird.
Affects Difficulty Balance/Logic (Potentially)
- Mothula can now be damaged by attacks of any of the Master Sword upgrades.
Affects Logic (Potentially)
- The Flute has a ninth destination point in addition to the original eight. This new location is at the top of the Light World equivalent of Turtle Rock.