rars copied to clipboard
Multiline comment support
Fixes #100. Implements support for multiline comments such as /* comment */
The example file riscv1_min.asm (file extension changed to be allowed here) renders and compiles like this (the colour in editor being user selectable):
There was actually a bug with check for the terminating */
, where it wouldn't be found by compiler nor highlighter if it was sooner than the third character on the given line. Following is a new example riscv1_min.asm as rendered and compiled by the current version:
I'll probably make a separate pull request later, but I also translated the build script to PowerShell for simple* building on Windows
$JAVA_SDK_DIRECTORY = "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1\bin"
if (git submodule status | findstr "\(") {
# Create build folder
New-Item -Force -ItemType "directory" build > $null
# Compile src/*.java files
&"$JAVA_SDK_DIRECTORY\javac.exe" -encoding UTF8 -d build @(
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path src/ -Filter *.java | ForEach-Object {Resolve-Path $_.FullName -Relative})
# Exit if compilation error happened
if ( -Not $? ) {
exit 1
# Copy src/*.java files to build/
robocopy src/ build/ /S /XF *.jar /nfl /ndl /np /njh /njs
robocopy ./ build/ README.md License.txt /nfl /ndl /np /njh /njs
cd build
# Create .jar file from build/
&"$JAVA_SDK_DIRECTORY\jar.exe" cfm ../rars.jar ./META-INF/MANIFEST.MF *
cd ..
} else {
echo "It looks like JSoftFloat is not cloned. Consider running \"git submodule update --init\""