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Crash on startup on High Sierra
In the new macOS High Sierra the crash just after it starts.
There is something broken with the playback controls [mWindow setToolbar:[_mainPlayerToolbarController toolbar]];
If the source code are compiled without the playback buttons everything is fine. But, of course, without the buttons on the toolbar.
I suggest you try MPD client Cantata. It's multi platform and actively maintained: From: [email protected]: 28 September 2017 7:25 amTo: [email protected] to: [email protected]: [email protected]: [TheStalwart/Theremin] Crash on startup (#29) In the new High Sierra the crash just after it starts. There is something broken with the playback controls [mWindow setToolbar:[_mainPlayerToolbarController toolbar]];
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Thanks for your suggestion. I know Cantata, but it consumes ~7% of CPU and ~80% more memory than Theremin. As I said, I compiled a version with no playback controls and I will live with that.
Can you share your compiled version? I just updated to high sierra and I already miss Theremin :(
Oh, great! I'm not the only one.
Of course, but as I said, it's only partially working.
We might be the only 2!
Well, I've been waiting to see if there was a fix but your version do work. Thanks!
I too would like a fix.
You all are not alone. I would also love a fixed version, but I am a PHP dev and couldn't even get xcode to compile when I took a shot at a fix the other week. I confess to knowing next to nothing about mac os development, but I would be willing to assist in fixing this app. If anyone has resources, advice or wants to collaborate, please let me know.
I'm experiencing the same crash on startup. I too would willing to help test fixes.
There is but is crashing here too
@gilsonolegario : I really can't debug this but I can test as I mentioned. I installed your version without the playback buttons as I ususally use the keyboard shortcuts anyway. It appears kampfgnu is working on Theremin right now. Hopefully there will be a compiled version to test soon.
try this: it is the compiled version of my master branch. i think it fixes the toolbar crash
Thanks for you response, @kampfgnu.
Your version crashes with
Crashing on exception: -[UnifiedToolbarLabelCell _compressibleOptionsForControlView:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x60400011a8b0
i'm running on sierra, so it is currently not possible for me to check this. but just add the function to UnifiedToolbarLabelCell.m file like i did for another toolbar crash:
- (BOOL)_anySegmentShowsBadge { return NO; }
- (BOOL) _compressibleOptionsForControlView { return NO; }
i am not sure, if compressibleOptions... returns a BOOL, but just add the missing functions to this file. this should fix it.
only adding the function to UnifiedToolbarLabelCell.m doesn't work. But your commit solves the problem.
Many thanks!
Is there a compiled version with this fix I can try out?
— Ron Golan
On Dec 20, 2017, at 10:53 AM, Gilson Olegario [email protected] wrote:
only adding the function to UnifiedToolbarLabelCell.m doesn't work. But your commit solves the problem.
Many thanks!
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Here @rgolan
Thank you!
— Ron Golan
On Dec 20, 2017, at 11:13 AM, Gilson Olegario [email protected] wrote:
Here @rgolan — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread
Thank you! As a non programmer I had almost given up on a fix for Theremin. I use it to play stuff on antique radios that I've gutted and converted to Raspberry Pi music players. Examples are at and . Now, if only someone would fix mpod for iOS .. :-)
Again, thank you very much!
btw. i added the current build here: any future updates will be released over there.
@khgantz i just sent an email to the guy who created mPod, offering him my help to get the app up and running. let's see if this will work out.
i keep you posted, cheers!
Wow! Thanks! @kampfgnu
On Feb 4, 2018, at 8:04 PM, kampfgnu [email protected] wrote:
btw. i added the current build here: any future updates will be released over there.
@khgantz i just sent an email to the guy who created mPod, offering him my help to get the app up and running. let's see if this will work out.
i keep you posted, cheers!
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Thanks @kampfgnu !!
Awesome! So great someone still cares for this. Running fine here on High Sierra 10.13.4!
Thanks @kampfgnu! Runs smoothly on macOS Mojave v10.14.3!
Yes! Thank you also kampfgnu!
Unfortunatley, @kampfgnu's build also crashes for me on macOS Catalina:
Assertion failed: (_eventPort != NULL), function -[SPMediaKeyTap startWatchingMediaKeys], file /Users/kampfgnu /Documents/Programming/OSX_projects/Theremin/ThereminFork/Source/SPMediaKeyTap/SPMediaKeyTap.m, line 76.