Thanks for the reply. By using the `pipenv install alembic` the error was gone after running `pipenv run alembic upgrade head` again but once I got to `pipenv run python...
Thanks again for the reply. Prometheus is working correctly & running. I have a dashboard with Grafana running that is showing me the stats for my system. All that works...
any other suggestions? I've tried it a few times but can't get it to work
I'd like to point out again that I really appreciate all your help! I've doubled checked and my prometheus.yml has indeed that config under scrape_configs. I also have node_exporter which...
I just got it to work, 2 mins before I saw your reply! So the timelord could be the issue then. I shall investigate further on that. I got to...
Update: Works like a charm! used the start monitor command after chia started and worked right away. Thanks again for all the help !