Matthew Lear
Matthew Lear
Please let me know if you require anything further
@Moonbase59 Our users would roll back to LS 2.0.6 to avoid this issue, that might help you work around the problem for now.
Hey @toots let me know if there is anything i can do to help here
Hey @toots do you have any clue as to what the cause could be here? Sorry to pester, we have a few users asking us about a resolve
Hey @Moonbase59 would you be able to run a test and confirm if disabling Icecast burst mode helps the problem by any chance?
Thanks for looking into this @toots - it's been a tough one to replicate. We'll try removing output.dummy and seeing if the problem persists. Following that will install the custom...
We had this issue and had actually determined that it seems some bits of invalid or blank data sent through MQTT cause this script to disconnect and attempt reconnect.There was...
WebRTC protocol is becoming increasingly popular and well adapted especially due to its ultra low latency capabilities. Since the last post was 3 years ago I'm curious if there is...