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If someone is having this issue on 1.16.5 and is willing, could I have a test world which consistently crashes with this issue?

RandomPatches should make XL Packets redundant. I haven't changed anything since 2.4.0 related to this functionality...

your *mum*'s too large 😜 P.S. Can I have your log and configuration?

Whoops, that message is only for 1.14+. That's annoying; can you send me a `debug.log`? Also, did the default configuration cause the same problem?

If someone is experiencing this on 1.16.4, can they check if 2.1.0 fixes this issue (Forge/Fabric)?

This is harmless, but I suppose I could make a workaround for this.

I also have this issue, and the crash logs are very similar.

Here's a version that *appears* to be working for 1.14.3. Take the `.txt` file extension off so it's recognized as a jar file. [AutoSaveWorld.jar.txt](https://github.com/Shevchik/AutoSaveWorld/files/3325580/AutoSaveWorld.jar.txt)

This version *should* work for 1.14.4 with Google Drive support. I haven't tested this. [AutoSaveWorld.jar.txt](https://github.com/Shevchik/AutoSaveWorld/files/3587510/AutoSaveWorld.jar.txt)

You're welcome. I don't have the source anymore, but I'm pretty sure I just updated some method names. It was a simple fix.