Quin G
Quin G
Awesomeness, thank you. I love how this client is looking so far :)
How would you like me to structure this? Put it in the same folder? A different one? How about testing? You don't seem to have a testing infra, so should...
Yup, can reproduce (with a slightly different error message) on macOS 11.4, running on a Mac Mini, in x86_64 mode. @ashutoshvarma, I think this is also related to my recently...
Yup, I get the same thing, no matter what configuration I try to compile in.
@qtnc, here's my full shell session: Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.2965] (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\Quin>cd C:\Users\Quin\git\c C:\Users\Quin\git\c>git clone https://www.github.com/qtnc/universalSpeech Cloning into 'universalSpeech'... warning: redirecting to https://github.com/qtnc/universalSpeech.git/ remote: Enumerating...
Adding %USERPROFILE%\scoop\apps\git\current\usr\bin to path fixed the issue. Now it compiles (all be it with some warnings). Thanks a ton!