init.lua copied to clipboard
I just watched the Youtube video and checked the source code. I don't really understand how the packer.lua is sourced, because when I open neovim and try to call `PackerInstall`...
The version of Neovim provided by Debian and Ubuntu is currently 0.7.2, which may not fully support the use of the ["vim.cmd." notation]( Perhaps this is worth noting for those...
Wasn't quite sure where else to mention this but, `vim.opt.guicursor = ""` did not enable the block-shaped cusor for me initially. but `vim.opt.guicursor = "a:block"` worked. weirdly, after that, when...
The default lsp and nvim cmp config from the link below have auto import function and path
## How to reproduce I just followed the video, everything was working fine until I tried to install treesitter My packer.lua is the following: ```lua vim.cmd [[packadd packer.nvim]] return require('packer').startup(function(use)...
I am having problem. I am getting this error. If I have a file called `init.lua` in `~/.config/nvim/` and if I add few basic configs like ``` vim.g.mapleader = "...
Hello ThePrimeagen; Thanks for the video ["0 to LSP : Neovim RC From Scratch"]( I had been looking for something to level-up my Neovim experience, I found it in your...
Can anyone point me in the right direction on which setting needs to be set/which plugin needs to be looked at for this?