harpoon copied to clipboard
make harpoon2 look like harpoon
So i just checked out harpoon2 bcoz i thot no updated on harpoon means it might have been archived and saw this can i get the same look as harpoon?
What issue are you having that you need harpoon to solve?
Why doesn't the current config help?
What proposed api changes are you suggesting?
check images, they are more clear than my explanation 😢
You can change the look of the ui using the toggle_opts, for example:
local toggle_opts = {
border = "rounded",
title_pos = "center",
ui_width_ratio = 0.40,
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-e>", function() harpoon.ui:toggle_quick_menu(harpoon:list(), toggle_opts) end)
I have morhetz/gruvbox
colorscheme in mac terminal and i cannot get right background and title colors in harpoon 2:
but telescope works well:
How can I configure harpoon to use colors like telescope?
Seems like its related to your theme, ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim is an updated version for lua.