h-encore-2 copied to clipboard
Buttons not enabled on h-encore 2
I cannot use h-encore because buttons are disabled on h-encore2. Only PS button works, but if you press one time show that is not possible close app, if you press ps a long time show psvita network settings and all buttons are working. I belive the issue can be corrected using a new h-encore2 with auto execution of the menu options, because I believe there something on ur0 disabling buttons to homebrews. Doing Automatically the issue will be solved after this the h-encore2 would work normally.
I have a reddit post with more details, please help me.
Hi! I am still havinf issues to use h-encore2, same issue, the app start but all buttons are disabled so, I can not select to unlock my psvita again, please do a auto install version. only the ps button works when I press until appear settings screen, and all buttons start work, but if I return to H-encore2 menu, again the buttons are disabled. Please help me!
I still waiting a solution for this issue. Please see the problem
I am still having issues to install hencore2, as I informed before no one button works when open app h-encore2, I tried recently again connecting a Bluetooth keyboard, the Arrows and enter works in other apps but still impossible, the buttons not work. Could you please create an h encore with auto install?