UnrealMappingsDumper copied to clipboard
UE 5.1 Release support
I'm getting a hard crash after injection and I'm unable to get any debug info because it seems to be inside engine code (that, or Visual Studio debugger being shit again).
Compile it in debug mode and attach to your game. Inject the compiled DLL and send where it crashes and the call stack
That is what I did.
Can you send it?
I'm unable to get any debug info because it seems to be inside engine code (that, or Visual Studio debugger being shit again).
You can still get the line it crashes on from the call stack. If you can't, just step through it line by line until it crashes and see where it happens
Nope, it simply does not work, it just segfaults without any break as if no debugger attached.
I managed to get a break in Rider, but its output is hard to read. Looks like it fails at
DefaultEngine<T>::UObject::GetPathName(std::wstring& Result, UObject* StopOuter)
in engine.cpp
Result += NamePrivate.AsString();
ComparisonIndex and Number seem valid for FName: 117768197 and 87832
The final crash is inside Engine code:
Full stack:
[Inlined] FName::ToString(FString &) UnrealNames.cpp:3399
FName::ToString() UnrealNames.cpp:3371
FNameBase::AsString() engine.cpp:9
DefaultEngine<UObjectDependency>::UObject::GetPathName(std::basic_string<wchar_t,std::char_traits<wchar_t>,std::allocator<wchar_t> > &,DefaultEngine<UObjectDependency>::UObject *) engine.cpp:41
DefaultEngine<UObjectDependency>::UObject::GetPath() engine.h:75
DefaultEngine<UObjectDependency>::FindObject<DefaultEngine<UObjectDependency>::UClass>(basic_string<wchar_t,std::char_traits<wchar_t>,std::allocator<wchar_t> >) engine.h:39
DefaultEngine<UObjectDependency>::UClass::StaticClass() engine.h:393
`Dumper<Engine_UE5>::Run'::`2'::<lambda_2>::operator()(DefaultEngine<UObjectDependency>::UObject *&) dumper.cpp:130
std::invoke<`Dumper<Engine_UE5>::Run'::`2'::<lambda_2> &,DefaultEngine<UObjectDependency>::UObject * &>(<lambda_2> &,DefaultEngine<UObjectDependency>::UObject *&) type_traits:1534
std::_Invoker_ret<void,1>::_Call<`Dumper<Engine_UE5>::Run'::`2'::<lambda_2> &,DefaultEngine<UObjectDependency>::UObject * &>(<lambda_2> &,DefaultEngine<UObjectDependency>::UObject *&) functional:651
std::_Func_impl_no_alloc<`Dumper<Engine_UE5>::Run'::`2'::<lambda_2>,void,DefaultEngine<UObjectDependency>::UObject * &>::_Do_call(DefaultEngine<UObjectDependency>::UObject *&) functional:822
std::_Func_class<void,DefaultEngine<UObjectDependency>::UObject * &>::operator()(DefaultEngine<UObjectDependency>::UObject *&) functional:869
DefaultEngine<UObjectDependency>::ObjObjects::ForEach(function<void __cdecl(DefaultEngine<UObjectDependency>::UObject * &)>) engine.cpp:204
Dumper<Engine_UE5>::Run(ECompressionMethod) dumper.cpp:128
Main(HINSTANCE__ *) dllmain.cpp:40
<unknown> 0x00007ffb6c937034
<unknown> 0x00007ffb6e922651
What game is this for?
No game, 5.1 vanilla build, I've just compiled UnrealGame target
I'm currently on vacation so I can't do much to help but the problem is very likely to be the patterns of GObjects and/or FNameToString
I recommend reversing them yourself if you can, and override the addresses. Unfortunately someone pushed some faulty patterns for them recently and that commit will be reverted soon
If FNameToString
is invalid pattern then how come it ended up in UE's FName::ToString
in the end?
What do you mean by reversing
There's nothing to indicate that it ended up in UE's fnametostring. If you look at the code of the dumper it calls the function pointer which points to what should be fnametostring, but if it isn't fnametostring it would be invalid
And if you don't know what I mean by reversing then don't worry about it. Like I said I'm not gonna be home for like another week but if you send a link to download the exe of ur game, I can see what I can do
There's nothing to indicate that it ended up in UE's fnametostring.
What do you mean there is nothing? Callstack?
FName::ToString() UnrealNames.cpp:3371
FNameBase::AsString() engine.cpp:9
if this does not indicate FNAME:ToString pattern was correct then what else? Which patterns the tool is looking for? Where they are defined?
🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️ that's the FNameToString wrapper in my code. It just calls UE's FNameToString, but we don't know that it actually did fall UE's FNameToString cause the address could be wrong
There's a big difference between dumper code and engine code. I recommend actually reading that code to see what's happening
that's the FNameToString wrapper in my code. It just calls UE's FNameToString, but we don't know that it actually did fall UE's FNameToString
Literally in my callstack posted above where break is being triggered inside Engine code:
[Inlined] FName::ToString(FString &) UnrealNames.cpp:3399
Can you provide a link to download the games exe. The problem is likely GObjects
Thanks. I'll have a look at it when I can but no guarantees it will be quick, I'm pretty busy.