LED-Lightpainter copied to clipboard
Could not find eagle.flash.4m2m.ld
running $ pio run i got this error
Error: Could not find 'eagle.flash.4m2m.ld' LD script in LDPATH '/home/jerome/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif8266/tools/sdk/lib /home/jerome/.platformio/platforms/espressif8266/ldscripts /home/jerome/Documents/Haum/LED-Lightpainter/.pio/build/nodemcuv2' Error: Could not find 'eagle.flash.4m2m.ld' LD script in LDPATH '/home/jerome/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif8266/tools/sdk/lib /home/jerome/.platformio/platforms/espressif8266/ldscripts /home/jerome/Documents/Haum/LED-Lightpainter/.pio/build/nodemcuv2'
platformio is last version running in linux ubuntu 16.04
Can you try changing the Linker file in platformio.ini
build_flags = -Wall -Wl,-Teagle.flash.4m2m.ld
build_flags = -Wall -Wl,-Teagle.flash.4m1m.ld
Of cause then your SPIFFS will be only 1MB instead of two. Else check which ld files are in your folder
/home/jerome/.platformio/platforms/espressif8266/ldscripts or
Something might have change with the new toolchain
The first number is the flash-size the second the SPIFFS size.
Ok, the file name is esp8266.flash.4m1m.ld but now there is trouble with ArduinoJson how change the way of use for DynamicJsonBuffer. I need to investigate more ....
Which ArduinoJson Version do you use?
from pio it say -- ArduinoJson 6.12.0
Okay, the Json v6 removed DynamicJsonBuffer Please try to add the following line in platformio.ini
lib_deps =
[email protected]
Error: Could not find 'eagle.flash.4m2m.ld' LD script in LDPATH '/home/jerome/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif8266/tools/sdk/lib /home/jerome/.platformio/platforms/espressif8266/ldscripts /home/jerome/Documents/Haum/LED-Lightpainter/.pio/build/nodemcuv2'
I had a simmilar behaviour on Windows. Solution was using the latest version of platform (removed @1.5.0 from platformio,ini) The problems with streamFile from new arduino sdk seem to be gone.
When I want to upload an image file, inlusive with test.bmp, I get the following error: 500: could not create file
I think it is related to the library, what files should go in the arduino / library folder? the web is displayed well and, it just won't let me load the image
Hi, sorry for the late response.... If you compile with arduino IDE, which SPIFFS size did you chose? (e.g. Tools => Flash Size => 4M (3M SPIFFS)