A watched pot never boils... I turned on debugging but restricted it to node 89 only. Wouldn't you know it, node 88 (also a Zen 14) decided to show symptoms...
@AlCalzone You want an unfiltered log for a busy 150-ish node network for two weeks? You sure about that?
Well a watched pot never boils.... Until you get pissed off enough and break out a blowtorch. :D As of this morning, nada. So I decided to write a stress...
(I'm going to let that routine run overnight and see if there's any additional breakage. Everything connected to those is turned off so it's not hurting anything.)
Nothing else went haywire overnight.
**I'D LOVE TO** turn that off! (I can't think of a single place where I need/want kvar!) Unfortunately, there's literally no knobs *at all* to turn with respect to reporting...
Also note that I'm super confused how those are reporting kvar at all, since the spec sheets don't mention that they do power monitoring at all! (I wouldn't mind a...
Also also, where are you seeing these reports? If I look via mqtt, all I see are the messages I'd expect to see. (I kicked on endpoint 1 of node...
Where do you see the statistics? I can't seem to find them. (Wouldn't be the first time I missed something so happy to be pointed in the right direction!) node...
@robertsLando I noticed that a while back, but I froze the snap when I opened this ticket so we wouldn't be dealing with changing code versions on top of everything...