puppet-homebrew copied to clipboard
homebrew (+brewcask! +taps!) package installer and provider
A Puppet Module to install Homebrew and manage Homebrew packages on Mac OSX. This module can install using either homebrew or brewcask, along with a fallback mode which attempts both.
This module supports Puppet version 4 and greater running on Ruby version 1.8.3 and greater. Note that versions of Ruby from 2.0.x to 2.2.x may no longer be supported by Homebrew. For Puppet 3 support, please pin to version 1.7.1.
puppet-homebrew is available on the Puppet Forge
Installing Packages
Use the Homebrew package provider like this:
.. code-block:: puppet
class hightower::packages {
pkglist = ['postgresql', 'nginx', 'git', 'tmux']
package { $pkglist:
ensure => present,
provider => brew,
The providers works as follows:
* ``provider => brew``: install using ``brew install <module>``. Do not use
* ``provider => brewcask``: install using ``brew cask install <module>``. Only use
* ``provider => homebrew``: attempt to install using ``brew install <module>``. On
failure, use ``brew cask install <module>``
Tapping Repositories
To tap into new Github repositories, simply use the tap provider:
.. code-block:: puppet
package { 'neovim/neovim':
ensure => present,
provider => tap,
You can untap a repository by setting ensure to absent
Ordering Taps ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
When both tapping a repo and installing a package from that repository, it is important to make sure the former happens first. This can be accomplished in a few different ways: either by doing so on a per-package basis:
.. code-block:: puppet
package { 'neovim/neovim':
ensure => present,
provider => tap,
} ->
package { 'neovim':
ensure => present,
provider => homebrew,
or by setting all taps to occur before all other usages of this package with
Resource Collectors
.. code-block:: puppet
# pick whichever provider(s) are relevant
Package <| provider == tap |> -> Package <| provider == homebrew |>
Package <| provider == tap |> -> Package <| provider == brew |>
Package <| provider == tap |> -> Package <| provider == brewcask |>
Installing Brew
To install homebrew on a node (with a compiler already present!):
.. code-block:: puppet
class { 'homebrew':
user => 'hightower',
group => 'developers', # defaults to 'admin'
multiuser => false, # set to true to enable multiuser support for homebrew
Installing homebrew as the root user is no longer supported (as of late 2016).
Please ensure you install brew as a standard (non-root) user.
Note that some users have reported confusion between the *puppet* user and the
*homebrew* user -- it is perfectly fine to run puppet as root, in fact this is
encouraged, but the homebrew user must be non-root (generally, the system's main
user account).
If you run puppet as a non-root user and set the ``homebrew::user`` to a
*different* non-root user, you may run into issues; namely, since this module
requires the puppet user act as the homebrew user, you may get a password
prompt on each run. This can be fixed by allowing the puppet user passwordless
sudo privileges to the homebrew user.
If you are looking for a multi-user installation, please be sure to set the
multi-user flag, eg.:
.. code-block:: puppet
class { 'homebrew':
user => 'kevin',
group => 'all-users',
multiuser => true,
To install homebrew and a compiler (on Lion or later), eg.:
.. code-block:: puppet
class { 'homebrew':
user => 'kevin',
command_line_tools_package => 'command_line_tools_for_xcode_os_x_lion_april_2013.dmg',
command_line_tools_source => 'http://devimages.apple.com/downloads/xcode/command_line_tools_for_xcode_os_x_lion_april_2013.dmg',
N.B. the author of this module does not maintain a mirror to command_line_tools.
You may need to search for a copy if you use this method. At the time of this
writing, downloading the command line tools sometimes requires an Apple ID.
Sorry, dude!
Adding a Github Token
Homebrew uses a Github token in your environment to make your experience better by:
- Reducing the rate limit on
brew search
commands - Letting you tap your private repositories
- Allowing you to upload Gists of brew installation errors
To enable this feature, you can include:
.. code-block:: puppet
class { 'homebrew':
user => 'kevin',
github_token => 'MyT0k3n!',
Here's a link to create a personal access token
_ for Github.
Original Author
Original credit for this module goes to kelseyhightower
_. This module was
forked to provide brewcask integration.
Credit for logic involved in tapping repositories goes to gildas
.. _create a personal access token: https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?scopes=&description=Homebrew .. _gildas: https://github.com/gildas/puppet-homebrew .. _kelseyhightower: https://github.com/kelseyhightower .. _Puppet Forge: https://forge.puppetlabs.com/thekevjames/homebrew .. _Resource Collectors: https://docs.puppet.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_collectors.html