WaifuXL copied to clipboard
Application error: a client-side exception has occurred
This is my first time trying to use WaifuXL, and first time leaving a message on github. Every time I try to use the site, it gives me the following error: "Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information)."
When I press f12 it shows me some error that I do not understand. Apologies if this post is not formatted correctly!
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 10The resource <URL> was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate
as value and it is preloaded intentionally. _app-02fb32b8ff0682d1.js?__WB_REVISION__=02fb32b8ff0682d1:1 Succesful drag 197-f67893633961a75a.js?__WB_REVISION__=f67893633961a75a:1 Upscaling: 29761.30615234375 ms _app-02fb32b8ff0682d1.js?__WB_REVISION__=02fb32b8ff0682d1:1 Succesful drag bbb6d9fe-bae6-4280-9022-374d9bb1eed8:6 std::bad_alloc ae @ bbb6d9fe-bae6-4280-9022-374d9bb1eed8:6 197-f67893633961a75a.js?__WB_REVISION__=f67893633961a75a:1 Failed to run super resolution 197-f67893633961a75a.js?__WB_REVISION__=f67893633961a75a:1 Error: failed to call OrtRun(). error code = 6. at e.run (blob:https://waifuxl.com/bbb6d9fe-bae6-4280-9022-374d9bb1eed8:6:63696) at self.onmessage (blob:https://waifuxl.com/bbb6d9fe-bae6-4280-9022-374d9bb1eed8:6:70971) framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1 Error: Minified React error #31; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=31&args[]=%5Bobject%20Error%5D for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at lJ (framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:54312) at o (framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:59342) at uu (framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:71223) at i (framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:121384) at oO (framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:99204) at framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:99071 at oF (framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:99078) at ox (framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:95830) at oC (framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:96219) at r4 (framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:44869) a6 @ framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1 main-a71a45d3e3392e9c.js?__WB_REVISION__=a71a45d3e3392e9c:1 Error: Minified React error #31; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=31&args[]=%5Bobject%20Error%5D for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at lJ (framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:54312) at o (framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:59342) at uu (framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:71223) at i (framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:121384) at oO (framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:99204) at framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:99071 at oF (framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:99078) at ox (framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:95830) at oC (framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:96219) at r4 (framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js?__WB_REVISION__=2c79e2a64abdb08b:1:44869) J @ main-a71a45d3e3392e9c.js?__WB_REVISION__=a71a45d3e3392e9c:1 main-a71a45d3e3392e9c.js?__WB_REVISION__=a71a45d3e3392e9c:1 A client-side exception has occurred, see here for more info: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/client-side-exception-occurred J @ main-a71a45d3e3392e9c.js?__WB_REVISION__=a71a45d3e3392e9c:1 DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for chrome-extension://gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom/browser-polyfill.js.map: System error: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://static.cloudflareinsights.com/beacon.min.js/performance.min.js.map: System error: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE
Interesting, thanks for letting us know. Try navigating to https://waifuxl.com/ in a private (if using FireFox), or incognito (if using Chrome) session and let us know if the same thing occurs.
If I'm reading the console output right, it looks like one of the upscales you tried worked?
Succesful drag Upscaling: 29761.30615234375 Succesful drag std::bad_alloc Failed to run super resolution Error: failed to call OrtRun(). error code = 6. at e.run
Appears to have taken 29.761 seconds. Then the second upscale failed. Does that sound right?
I tried running it so many times in different browsers, clearing cache, trying the incognito... I did manage to get ONE image to upscale 2x, that might have been the log I copied. I'll copy a clean try from firefox private window. As an update, I also asked a friend to try the website (they had to make sure I wasn't a spam bot after seeing the name of the site xD) and they upscaled a few images and THEN started getting the same error I'm getting.
Succesful drag [_app-02fb32b8ff0682d1.js:1:13778](https://waifuxl.com/_next/static/chunks/pages/_app-02fb32b8ff0682d1.js) Initializing super resolution [197-f67893633961a75a.js:1:9852](https://waifuxl.com/_next/static/chunks/197-f67893633961a75a.js) The resource at “blob:https://waifuxl.com/69bfd635-8550-44ee-8131-117dbc3d43f1” preloaded with link preload was not used within a few seconds. Make sure all attributes of the preload tag are set correctly. [waifuxl.com](https://waifuxl.com/) std::bad_alloc [ce20560b-5d28-49fd-bc1a-ffa31d4cb32e:6:13097](blob:https://waifuxl.com/ce20560b-5d28-49fd-bc1a-ffa31d4cb32e) Failed to run super resolution [197-f67893633961a75a.js:1:9759](https://waifuxl.com/_next/static/chunks/197-f67893633961a75a.js) Error: failed to call OrtRun(). error code = 6. run blob:https://waifuxl.com/ce20560b-5d28-49fd-bc1a-ffa31d4cb32e:6 onmessage blob:https://waifuxl.com/ce20560b-5d28-49fd-bc1a-ffa31d4cb32e:6 [197-f67893633961a75a.js:1:9805](https://waifuxl.com/_next/static/chunks/197-f67893633961a75a.js) Error: Minified React error #31; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=31&args[]=%5Bobject%20Error%5D for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. NextJS 11 [framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js:9:69814](https://waifuxl.com/_next/static/chunks/framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js) Error: Minified React error #31; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=31&args[]=%5Bobject%20Error%5D for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. NextJS 11 [main-a71a45d3e3392e9c.js:1:16617](https://waifuxl.com/_next/static/chunks/main-a71a45d3e3392e9c.js) A client-side exception has occurred, see here for more info: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/client-side-exception-occurred [main-a71a45d3e3392e9c.js:1:16634](https://waifuxl.com/_next/static/chunks/main-a71a45d3e3392e9c.js)
How much RAM does your system have? std::bad_alloc
is making me think you're on a low memory system or under memory pressure.
If this is the case, we can work around that.
I have 16GB of RAM, and a 3060ti if that's important to know as well.
Thanks for being so responsive. With modern hardware like that I'm guessing you're on a 64-bit OS? Just trying to think of what could cause std::bad_alloc to be thrown. Might try downgrading the ONNXRuntime version today and ask you to retry.
Correction, I actually have 32 GB RAM, forgot I upgraded for Hogwarts Legacy! 64-bit OS sounds correct. I tried some more experimenting with different images, and it looks like it works for very small files (around 100 Kb), but not for the files I need that start around 600Kb.
Can you send us an image that doesn't work for you? Should help us reproduce the problem.