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bean call on ajax event with facelet ui:include + ui:param seems not to work ?
With a simple facelet inclusion :
<ui:include src="/WEB-INF/xhtml/panels/editUserRegistrationPanel.xhtml">
<ui:param name="beanCtrl" value="#{profilCtrl}" />
The ajax bean call 'onchange' works perfectly when using directly the bean name ('profilCtrl') :
<b:inputText value="#{beanUser.prenom}"
update="@(.btn) @next"
ajax="true" />
But if we use instead the include param 'beanCtrl' in the ajax call :
<b:inputText value="#{beanUser.prenom}"
update="@(.btn) @next"
ajax="true" />
(Note of course that value="#{beanUser.prenom}" is done correctly)
the call is not triggered and the following message appears in logs : Please check your EL expression - intermediate term beanCtrl is null
Any idea ? Many thanks in advance
(CDI context ; Wildfly 9.0.2 imports for bean are : @javax.inject.Named(value="profilCtrl") @javax.faces.view.ViewScoped (not javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped which doesn't work in CDI context)
i answer to my own question :
It seems that i encounter a problem between taghandlers / UI Components incompatibility.
- My ui:include which is a taghandler is executed during view build time.
- On the other hand, the ajax event part is built during view render time i think, and then executed after on the client side without accessibility to a managed bean.
ui:include could help in code mutualization, but it implies less flexibility when we encounter such problems... (i.e. also dynamic tabs with ui:include)
Hi again,
Have you any solution to the problem ? i'm really embarrassed with this problem which prevent me to push the final release in prod.
i give some code to tests :
test.xhtml :
<b:container fluid="true">
<ui:include src="test_include.xhtml">
<ui:param name="beanCtrl" value="#{test}" />
<b:commandButton disabled="#{test.disabled}" value="OK"></b:commandButton>
test_include.xhtml :
<ui:composition ...><b:inputText value="#{beanCtrl.value}" onchange="ajax:beanCtrl.onChange()" update="@(.btn)"></b:inputText></ui:composition> :
import javax.faces.view.ViewScoped;
import javax.inject.Named;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class TestAction implements Serializable {
private String value = "Default";
private static final long serialVersionUID = 745232242454805589L;
final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestAction.class);
boolean b = true;
public TestAction() {
public void onChange(){
logger.debug("##### > OK");
b = false;
public boolean isDisabled(){
return b;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
Many thanks in advance for any answer
Oh, sorry, I've read your question, but I didn't find some spare time to answer it yet. I guess it's my job to fix your bug. I'm afraid it's going to be a difficult one. If I'm lucky, I'm just using the wrong "EL context", and it's just a matter of choosing the correct one. But that's something I'm not familiar with, so I'll probably need some time to investigate the issue.
BTW, there's no need to be embarrassed: obviously, you've found a profound error in BootsFaces.
You don't happen to have a workaround so you can push your application into production?
I'd also like to express my gratitude for providing a reproducer. That helps us a lot!
Merci et a tout a l'heur Stephan
You don't happen to have a workaround so you can push your application into production?
No worry, it's only the website of a boardgame association. So members will wait until i stabilized all the stuff :-)
Confirmed the issue and added a test case to the showcase (/BootsFacesWeb/issues/issue541.jsf)
I'm afraid development of BootsFaces has slowed down considerably. We'll never manage to address this issue. Let's close it.