PhyloFisher copied to clipboard
PhyloFisher is a software package written in Python3 that can be used for the creation, analysis, and visualization of phylogenomic datasets that consist of eukaryotic protein sequences.
Simply remove the multiprocessing module and use "for loop" to receive data in suspicious trees. This is usable but may slow down the process in handling big data. It will...
Hello, Phylofisher is great and was running smoothly until i brought the sgt_construct_out.tar.gz to my local machine. I downloaded and now get an error with the metadata args. I've...
Hello team, A bit of context first, we are trying to produce a preliminary matrix and tree, where we had to speed up our SGTs parsing by deleting the sequences...
Options for amino/nuc and to write fastest sites out, #107
Substitute taxon names with temporary IDs as in to facilitate use on non-PhyloFisher derived datasets.
Renames the leaves of a tree using the long names in the PF metadata.
Hello! I've used "" and have all of the multifastas with ortholog, paralogs plus the newly extracted sequences. I noticed that the paralog sequences in my .fas files have identical...
Hi, thanks for this great tool. I used `` to identify my fastest evolving sites for a project I am working on, however I had nucleic acid sequences rather than...