TheAntFarm copied to clipboard
TheAntFarm is an application that simplifies the PCB creation using CNC machines.
The Ant Farm
The Ant Farm is a program that aims to simplify the process of PCB-making using CNC machines.
In this software we included both the necessary CAM features and the CNC machine control capabilities, trying to simplify the user operations as much as possible.
Actual status
This software is a pre-alpha, meaning that not all the functionalities are implemented, and the implemented ones may not work or not work properly.
The View tab can be used, and it's capable to generate gcode files from gerbers.
The Control tab is currently under development, and its functionalities may have some issues.
The Align tab is not developed at all.
Up to now, the application is compatible only with CNC machines using GRBL v1.1 firmware, and it has been tested using only some gerber and drill files generated using Autodesk's Eagle and KiCad EDA.
If you want to have some more information about the actual implemented features, you could watch this video:
Getting started
Prerequisites and Installation
The section describing the pre-requisites needed and the installation procedure has been moved in the wiki.
See the following link: Prerequisites and Installation
The providers of this software decline any responsibility for damages to persons or things deriving from its use, and they will not be liable for any damages you may suffer in connection with using, modifying, or distributing this SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
Our projects requires a lot of work and often expensive hardware for testing (CNC machines).
Please consider a safe, secure and highly appreciated donation via the PayPal link below.