Data-Structures-and-Algorithms copied to clipboard
Hacktoberfest's DSA Challenge, create algorithms, programs in any programming language you love and prefer! Check the ISSUE section for ideas.
An optimized implementation is preferred.
Before making a PR do take the review for the implementation you will be going to make a PR for.
Linear Search Binary Search Jump Search Interpolation Search Exponential Search Sublist Search (Search a linked list in another list) Fibonacci Search The Ubiquitous Binary Search Recursive program to linearly search...
Stack operations may involve initializing the stack, using it and then de-initializing it. Apart from these basic stuffs, a stack is used for the following two primary operations − push()...
1. Implement Queue using Stacks 2. LRU Cache Implementation 3. Implement Stack using Queues 4. Queue (Linked List Implementation) 5. How to efficiently implement k Queues in a single array?...
### Standard Greedy Algorithms 1. Activity Selection Problem 2. Egyptian Fraction 3. Job Sequencing Problem 4. Job Sequencing Problem (Using Disjoint Set) 5. Job Sequencing Problem – Loss Minimization 6....
Give Implementation for the following STLs:-- 1. Sequence Containers: implement data structures which can be accessed in a sequential manner. - vector - list - deque - arrays - forward_list(...
- Selection Sort, - Bubble Sort, - Recursive Bubble Sort, - Insertion Sort, - Recursive Insertion Sort, - Merge Sort, - Iterative Merge Sort, - Quick Sort, - Iterative Quick...
**The only exception if something needs to be there and we have missed it out.**
Implement a program to demonstrate Extract min(), Deletion() and Decrease key() operations on a Fibonacci Heap.