The-Creator-AI icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
The-Creator-AI copied to clipboard

Code like an architect

The Creator AI

Talk to LLMs with easy code context. Choose files through UI.



Before installation, ensure you have the following software installed on your system:

  • Git: For cloning the project repositories.
  • Node.js and npm (or yarn): For managing and installing dependencies. Ensure your node version is at least 18.
  • Serve: For running the frontend in development mode. (If you don't have serve installed, run npm install -g serve)


It's a self hosted web app. Below are the steps to get started -

  1. Download the script
curl -O
  1. Make executable
chmod +x
  1. Run the Script:
sudo ./ --tag v0.3.0

This script will handle the following:

  • Clone the necessary repositories (frontend, backend, and common).
  • Install all dependencies.
  • Build the common package & frontend and backend projects.
  • Create a convenient 'creator' command for launching the application.

Running The Creator AI

Once the installation is complete, you can start The Creator AI by simply typing:

  1. Set Gemini API key
export GEMINI_API_KEY=...
  1. Launch creator
creator .

This will launch both the frontend and backend, and open the application in your default web browser.

Note: You can provide which directory to load as argument to creator command - creator <directory>

Updating The Creator AI

Re-run the Script:

sudo ./ --tag v0.3.0

This will update the repositories, install new dependencies (if any), and rebuild the project.

Install Manually

The script is only tested on Mac so far, will be testing & supporting other platforms with time. Meanwhile, you can follow these steps to get the setup ready manually -

Step 1: Clone the Repositories

git clone
git clone
git clone

Step 2: Build & Run

  1. Install common dependencies:
    cd ./fe-be-common       # <-----------------  Dependency for frontend & backend both, must be kept adjacent to those
    npm install
    npm run build           
  2. Install backend dependencies:
    cd ./backend
    npm install
    npm run build
    export GEMINI_API_KEY=...
    node dist/main.js       # <-----------------   BACKEND
  3. Install frontend dependencies:
    cd ./frontend
    npm install
    npm run build
    cd build
    serve -s                # <-----------------   FRONTEND


The steps above run the latest code. To run a specific release, checkout the tag for that release (in every repo). Latest stable tag is v0.3.0.

git fetch --all --tags
git checkout --force "tags/v0.3.0"


If you encounter any issues during installation or usage, please refer to the following:

  • Error Messages: Pay close attention to any error messages displayed in your terminal. They often provide clues about the problem.
  • GitHub Issues: Check the project repositories on GitHub for existing issue reports or open a new issue if you believe you've found a bug.


We welcome contributions from the community! If you'd like to help improve The Creator AI, feel free to fork the repositories and submit pull requests.

Release Notes


  • Updated design


  • Using socket for live updates


  • Initial release