Terrain2STL copied to clipboard
A web-based service that converts publicly available HGT files to useful STL files.
A web-based service that converts publicly available HGT files to useful STL files.
Try it Out!
This project is running on a Google Compute Engine server at jthatch.com. It's updated soon after any commit to this repository.
You can also download everything here and start the server with:
node terrainServer.js
It will run at localhost:8080.
To run without static file serving (only needed if you're using another static file server such as NGINX), start with static serving disable:
NOSTATIC=true node terrainServer.js
A few .HGT files are included, but not the whole set. You can get the rest from the USGS, or I could send you few.
Build the STL generator program with a simple make
you@comp:~/.../Terrain2STL$ make
If that's successful, generate a test STL with
./celevstl 44.1928 -69.0851 40 40 1.7 0 1 3 1 test.stl
and you should be treated with a model of scenic Rockport harbor!
The arguments here are:
- Northwest corner latitude
- Northwest corner longitude
- Model width ("pixels")
- Model height ("pixels")
- Vertical scaling factor
- Rotation angle (degrees)
- Water drop (mm) (how much the ocean should be lowered in models)
- Base height (mm) (how much extra height to add to the base of model)
- Step size (hgt cells per model pixel)
- Output file name
Web Interface
To run the web interface to Terrain2STL, you'll need Nodejs. With that installed, first run install all the necessary node packages with
you@comp:~/.../Terrain2STL$ npm install
Once all the packages are install, start up the server with
you@comp:~/.../Terrain2STL$ node terrainServer.js
and the website should be up localhost:8080/
To get the Google Maps view to load, you'll need to get a (free) Google Maps API key - see here. Once you have your key, copy example.include-maps.js
to include-maps.js
and replace the GOOGLE_API_KEY
string with your own API key.
To-Do List
- [x] Add a resolution slider ~~Box size is in multiples of 120, so allowable downscales are 2,3,4,5,6,8,..~~ Actually DEM resolution is 1/3, allowable downscales are 2,4,5,8 Probably 1/8 resolution is minimum desirable
- [ ] Draw the northern and southern boundaries of the data set
- [ ] Add a negative version for molds
- [x] Make a manifold surface option (bigger file, but better performance)
Descriptions of Files
- This directory contains some sample HGT files for testing. Included are Mt. Everest; Rockport, Maine; and San Franciso Bay.
- The whole dataset is 40GB, so only a few files are included.
- This could also be a made a symbolic link to another directory that contains your collection of HGT files
This is the source code for the part of the program that actually creates the STL files
- STL-creation program. Accept command line arguments
- The prototype for the HTML source of the website. Must be edited to contain API keys.
- Node.js server. Takes parameters from the HTML page and passes them to elevstl to create the STL.
- Also handles client downloading of pages and files.
(Previously on to-do list)
- [x] Make dataset voids not just a fixed negative value.
- [x] Make models watertight.
- [x] Fix voids in edges of models
- [x] Increase maximum box size.
- [x] Fill voids in dataset.
- [x] Make the 3 arcsecond resolution available in all sizes.
- [x] Add ability to cross tiles. !!!
- [x] Make Print and Download buttons disappear or defocus when the selection box is moved
- [x] Make the selection box reflect changes in the Lat/Long boxes
- [x] Decide on a maximum file size
- [x] Add longitude compensation to correct for the distortion caused by the Mercator Projection
- [x] Normalize model height to remove vertical offset
- [x] Change view to fit lat/long
- [x] Vertical scale slider
- [x] Increase scale range (maybe to 4x)
- [x] Compress STL files