FullyConvolutionalTransformer copied to clipboard
Requirements File?
I can see that you provide a docker image, but is there a possibility that you provide a requirements file?
Best regards, Benedikt
Hi @staniPetrox
you can use https://gla-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/a_tragakis_1_research_gla_ac_uk/EpyRwXVsbXxEmTaEjl-OuFYBQBuNkz9TfRP3DFR5WUf0jg?e=abEu7d
BR Thanos
Hey Thanos,
this doesn't work. You need to be a Glasgow faculty member to log in as I understand? Can we do this in another way?
Thank you and all the best, Benedikt
Hi @staniPetrox
it should be fixed now but just in case this is the content of the file
tensorflow==2.5.0 keras==2.8.0 matplotlib==3.3.2 medpy==0.4.0 nibabel==3.2.1 opencv-python pandas==1.1.3 pydicom==2.2.2 scikit-image scikit-learn
BR Thanos
Hello sir, tensorflow 2.5 version isn't available
and if I use version 2.8
I'm getting this error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/content/FullyConvolutionalTransformer/TensorFlow/main.py", line 9, in
thank you