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A header only library for creating and validating json web tokens in c++

Results 35 jwt-cpp issues
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**Describe the bug** `picojson` defaults to installation into `/include/picojson.h`. However, `jwt-cpp` tries to include from `/picojson/picojson.h` which will not be used by a standard `picojson` installation. **Desktop (please complete the...


We relly on openssl pretty heavily already, so why not use its base64 support instead of the one I originaly wrote myself. I originaly refused to use it, because it...

good first issue

jwt.h includes "picojson/picojson.h"...But the picojson directory is one level above where jwt.h file exists....So the inclusion should be as follows: "../picojson/picojson.h" .... Otherwise there will be an compilation error. If...


This MR enables loading keys from json to `jwk` objects. It also adds an interface to the verifier class which accepts such keys and uses them as appropriate, based on...

### What would you like to see added? EVP_PKEY-based algorithm type ### Additional Context It seems like it would be possible to have an algorithm type that's built from an...


Dear @Thalhammer Thanks for this useful library and recent changes are wonderful, we can use the json library like simdjson or rapidjson for performance point of view Since you develop...

help wanted

This was initially described in https://github.com/Thalhammer/jwt-cpp/issues/212. Please add new class derived from `std::system_error`, and derive all jwt-cpp exceptions from it. This would allow to write bigger block of code, and...


Can someone please clarify how jwt-cpp supports Unicode or non-unicode (ANSI) implementations, in terms of: (I am specifically referring to using this on Windows). - Which builds (Unicode or Non-Unicode)...


**Describe the bug** gcc4.8.5 does not have full support of C++11, so codecvt will broken the build. ``` #include ``` **How To Reproduce** (Include if Applicable) When try to build...
