Dominik Thalhammer

Results 80 comments of Dominik Thalhammer

You are right I could not find a RFC that says "you can't use content-type without a body". That said, I have also never seen any api that requires having...

> While thinking about this I also wanted to note that part of the reason this was implemented this way was to act as a security defense against potential CSRF...

> It is a concern for CTFd b/c the API is used to service CTFd itself as well as the API requests I don't think the check would have helped...

As @davidgraeff already said, I doubt there is anything in there that would be useful for homie. And even if we would find a use for any of these new...

We have to be really carefull with that though to not introduce incompatibilities with mqtt 3.1 (which is and will be for a long time the defacto standard).

@mjcumming Not sure but if the physical state of your home and the virtual state are not in sync that sounds like a design error to me. Your light switches...

Are we going to support multiple ways of OTA Update or do we specify one that every device must support? There are a lot of ways to implement OTA. *...

lights[] used to be a valid id and represented an array which got removed in v4. So its possible the examples where missed during updating.

Looks like the website is updated by travis and in fact if you look [here](, it has. If we would like to have the v4.0.0 version (the default if you...

This would also allow one to add things like cellular phone numbers. Do you plan on defining the types in the standard ?