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Train Lite (Embedded Friendly) Object Detection models using https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection
when i train yolo v3 with darknet, qat training accuracy is ok, but replace the backbone network like vgg,and floating point training is ok,but qat training accuracy is very low...
Thanks for your error report and we appreciate it a lot. **Checklist** 1. I have searched related issues but cannot get the expected help. 2. I have read the [FAQ...
Hi, I trained a ssd_regnetx_fpn_bgr_lite model and encountered some problems while importing it to bin. 1. I got 4 files: model.onnx model.prototxt model-proto.onnx model-proto.prototxt after running the export script, is...
I am new to mmdetection and TI edgeai mmdtection. After installing this repository, I try to run some demo codes from original mmdrection repo to perform inference on a demo...
I'm getting following error when i tried to run a ./run_detection_train.sh work_dir = './work_dirs/yolov3_regnet_bgr_lite' gpu_ids = range(0, 1) 2022-01-03 09:13:58,990 - mmdet - INFO - Set random seed to 886029822,...
Hi, I would like to do model inference and pytorch to onnx conversion of custom object detection model(not in mmdetection) after QAT. Can you please help me in sharing sample...
I saw the code, it looks like it only support SSD, Retinanet and Yolov3 models to generate prototxt, could we support other custom models, or maybe have some method to...
I already create an issue on edgeai-tidl-tools repository: https://github.com/TexasInstruments/edgeai-tidl-tools/issues/3 , still not sure where is the problem, is the onnx & prototxt or is the tools compatibility. do we have...
I'm trying to create a docker container with both packages installed. Even though everything seems to be installed fine, I can import all modules without errors. When wanting to QAT...
When training done with fp32, I convert the .pt model to .onnx, and I respectively use them to predict one pic, and the results are very close. While when I...