v-gallery copied to clipboard
Lightbox prev, next and close symbols CSS
Please look at this click in the menu bar on "Performance", scroll a little bit down and click on one of the graphs.
The prev, next and close symbols are not shown. When I use the developer tools I can switch off color: inherit and they are back. Maybe it has a relation with my usage of Bootstrap4?
How can I fix that?
Try update v-gallery
to 1.2.3
version, and check if the control buttons is back to right color.
Thanks for the fast response! Yes! The control buttons are back. Thank you very much.
How did you fix it?
Okay via this I presume?
.blueimp-gallery-controls {
h3.title, a.prev, a.next, a.close { color: white !important; }
There is a similar component like yours; vue-gallery which you can instruct to open the lightbox just for one image. That is done using the "index" property. So in my case I would set the index to a certain value depending on the image I want to see, using the @click event of the image. In that case there is no need to place the "gallery" at a specific spot in the code.
How can I do that with your component?
Control buttons and close button not shown, because the default font color defined to black(#000
) in your Vue root element of #app
, and Bootstrap4 defined the link without href
attribute will inherit
by parent element.
So, Black color mask layer and the black color buttons is why you can't see them. I just make the control buttons color to white by force(!important
Clear, thank you. You are fast! :)
I hope you have a solution to my previous question, I like your control very much!
My understanding is that
- Lightbox just show the click image only
- Not need to show navigation buttons( next, previous )
- Return
data of the image show in lightbox
is that correct ?
Please look at http://test.xplorex.eu at the bottom. In that project I use the other <vue-gallery>
The <vue-gallery>
There are images with @click result in "index" being set.
- lightbox show the images defined in the array
- if there are more array's then only the images in that array are shown
- navigation buttons are still needed because of this
If you look at http://www.xplorex.eu click in the menu bar on "Performance", scroll a little bit down to the graphs. You can see that I used 4 galleries. This is probably not very efficient?
What I also notice: The 4 galleries are not responsive. They should adapt to 100% of the column width (there where the text is). How can that be fixed?
Please visit v-gallery demo at Gallery mode custom display
In the demo, you can check out the way to custom images galley.
btw: Update plugin to v1.2.4
, it's add event to return currently show image index, close lightbox, the index will reset to -1
example like that:
<v-gallery :images="list" :caption="false" @showed="showed" ></v-gallery>
export default {
Sorry that I was not clear explaining myself.
Your component differs from the <vue-gallery>
You display a gallery and when clicked one element of the gallery it shows in a lightbox.
The other component shows a gallery IN the lightbox so when the lightbox is opened.
What I meant was the following:
- one gallery component, with index=null, gallery and lightbox both not shown
- array with for example 3 images -> im[0] im[1] and im[2]
- when index is set to 1 -> lightbox is opened with im[1] shown
- prev and next buttons shift lightbox to im[0] and im[2]
- when index is set to null the lightbox closes
But that totally differs from how you setup your component.
The showed
event is not needed.
I think I found the responsive issue, maybe it is caused by this;
.image-container {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
height: 120px;
background-color: black;
width: 160px;
display: block;
vertical-align: middle;
The 'width' of the img of 160px creates the conflict with bootstrap column in my situation.