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Just a prototype, but will be improved soon.

The Erumpo Programming Language


Erumpo is a lisp dialect which intends to be both expressive and performant. Currently, the following features are implemented:

  • A monadic parser and REPL in Haskell, as the reference implementation of the language
  • S-exp syntax, call-by-value semantics
  • Primitive types and operators
  • First-class functions (closures)
  • Algebraic Data Types and Pattern Matching
  • eval expressions on strings, mechanism for run-time metaprogramming
  • A module system with import declarations

The following features are still missing and will be implemented in this year:

  • Proper error propagation, providing useful compile-time/run-time error information
  • Type system
  • First-class continuations/Tail-call optimization
  • Type-safe compile-time metaprogramming via macros
  • A bytecode virtual machine, possibly with LLVM backend
  • Foreign Function Interface, multithreading facilities, etc

Quick Start

Use ghc to compile the Main module, or invoke the main IO action in the Main module under ghci. You will see the following message:

Welcome to Erumpo REPL!
λ >>>

Under the Erumpo REPL, you can repeatedly type declarations/expressions and check the output.

Erumpo is a purely functional language. Evaluating an expression does not change the top-level environment. In order to introduce top-level bindings, you can use a define declaration.

Currently the REPL is the only way to run Erumpo programs. You may put the declarations of a long Erumpo program into a file with .er extension, and put it in the current directory. Then you can use an import declaration to import the declarations and reuse the program.


In Erumpo, declarations are separated from expressions. Declarations are executed, produces some side-effects (like modifying the top-level environment), and do not return a value. Also, in an Erumpo program, there can only be declarations; naked top-level expressions are invalid.

define Declarations

A define declaration introduces top-level bindings. It has the following syntax:

(define pat exp)

Where pat is a pattern and exp is an expression. It means pattern matching pat to exp and if succeeds, create the appropriate top-level bindings.


(define k 2)
(define (Tuple x y) (Tuple 3 5))

When a define declaration is executed, exp is not immediately evaluated. Instead, it is saved and only evaluated when later evaluating an expression under REPL. When pat conflicts with an earlier identical pat, the earlier one will be overwritten.

import Declarations

An import declaration imports declarations from an Erumpo program. It has the following syntax:

(import module_name)

For example, (import prelude) means importing, (import prelude.list) means importing prelude/

You might want to (import prelude), which loads the standard library.

Nested imports are allowed; a valid Erumpo program can contain a list of import declarations following a list of define declarations. Later imports can shadow earlier imports, as in define's case.

Currently cyclic imports are not detected and may result in stack overflow.



In Erumpo, an expression is evaluated with call-by-value semantics and yields a value. Values are distinct from expressions; they can be regarded as normal forms of expressions which cannot be further reduced.

An expression is evaluated in an environment. A environment is a set of bindings, which maps variable names to values.

Primitive Types & Constant Expressions

  • A value of Unit type: nil
  • A value of Bool type : true/false
  • A value of Int type: 42
  • A value of Float type: 0.1
  • A value of Char type: 'c'

Note that the Int type supports arbitrarily large integers.

We also have a string type, which is internally a list of Char. A string literal can be written as "233". The list type is explained below.

ADT Expressions & Pattern Matching

We also have Algebraic Data Types. An ADT has one or more constructors; each constructor has a constructor name and takes a list of values. For example, the list type may be either nil or (Cons car cdr), where car is the head element and cdr is another list. The constructor name must begin with an uppercase letter.

An ADT expression has the following form:

(Cons_name exp0 exp1 ..)

When evaluated, exp0, exp1 ... are evaluated in order, and the resulting values are used to created an ADT value with the Cons_name constructor.

There is a syntactic sugar for writing lists:

[exp0 exp1 ..]

The notation is equivalent to (Cons exp0 (Cons exp1 ..)).

Pattern matching is provided for handy manipulation of ADT. Pattern matching may occur under several circumstances; its semantics is to match a pattern with a value, and if succeeds, return an environment. There are several kinds of patterns:

  • Empty Pattern: _, matches any value, create no binding
  • Constant Pattern: val, matches any value equal to val, create no binding
  • Variable Pattern: x, matches any value val, create the binding from x to val
  • ADT Pattern: (Cons_name pat0 pat1 ..), recursively matches an ADT value with constructor Cons_name, create bindings combined from results of matching pat0, pat1, etc. If any sub-pattern fails to match, the entire match fails.

Currently there lacks a type checker, so it is up to the programmer to enforce the typing conventions, for example, every constructor must take a fixed number of values; violating the contract is non-standard behavior.

Variable Expressions

A variable expression is simply the variable's name, like x or f. The variable's name must begin with a lowercase letter to distinguish it from a constructor. Evaluating a variable expression under an environment simply fetches the value if the binding exists, otherwise the evaluation fails.

lambda Expressions & Application Expressions

A lambda expression denotes an anonymous function. Its syntax is as follows:

(lambda pat0 pat1 .. exp)

When evaluated, pat0, pat1, .. , exp and the current environment are all encapsulated into a closure value.

An application expression applies a function to its parameter. Its syntax is as follows:

(f_exp exp0 exp1 ..)

When evaluated, f_exp is evaluated to get a closure value; then exp0, exp1, .. are evaluated to get parameter values val0, val1, .. ; then the values are matched against the patterns, and if succeeds, the resulting environment is combined with the closure environment, resulting in an environment to evaluate exp.

The multi-parameter function definitions and applications support automatic currying. The zero-parameter lambda expression and application is equivalent to lambda with empty pattern and application to nil.

The built-in operators and ADT constructors do not support automatic currying yet.

letrec Expressions

A letrec expression creates mutally recursive bindings for evaluating an expression. Its syntax is as follows :

(letrec ((pat0 exp0) (pat1 exp1) ..) exp)

Its semantics is similar to evaluate exp in a new environment; the new environment is created by evaluating exp0, exp1, .. in the new environment itself, then matching the resulting values with pat0, pat1, .. , creating new bindings which contribute to the new environment itself.

letrec makes recursion possible in Erumpo. The method for implementing recursion is not fanciful combinators, but rather letrec which gives function names so that they can refer to their own names (and other functions' names) in their own definition.

letrec is also related to the top-level "environment". After some import/define declarations are executed, we have a set of pattern/expression pairs. The evaluation of expression and pattern matching are not immediately carried out; instead, when later evaluating an expression under REPL, the pattern/expression pairs are wrapped into a letrec expression.

if Expressions

An if expression has the following syntax:

(if cond_exp then_exp else_exp)

When evaluated, first cond_exp is evaluated. If the resulting value is not Bool, evaluation fails, otherwise if it is true, then then_exp is evaluated, otherwise else_exp is evaluated.

case Expressions

An case expression has the following syntax:

(case exp ((pat0 exp0) (pat1 exp1) ..))

When evaluated, first exp is evaluated, then it is matched with pat0; if succeeds, the resulting new bindings are added to the current environment to evaluate exp0; if fails, then it is matched with pat1, and so on. If none of the pattern matched, then the evaluation fails.

Unary Operator Expressions

An unary operator expression has the following syntax:

(op exp)

When evaluated, first exp is evaluated, the the operator op is applied to the value. Currently op can be:

  • !, the "not" operator for the Bool type
  • print, prints the value and returns nil
  • eval, takes the string value, parses it to an Erumpo expression and evaluates it under the current environment.

Binary Operator Expressions

A binary operator expression has the following syntax:

(op x_exp y_exp)

When evaluated, first x_exp and y_exp are evaluated, then the operator op is applied to the two values. Currently op can be:

  • &&/||: the "and"/"or" operator for the Bool type
  • ==/!=/<=/>=/</>: comparison operators for primive types and ADT types
  • +/-/*//: arithmetic operators for Int/Float type

For the precise semantics of comparison/arithmetic, refer the Interpreter module of the implementation. Structured comparison is enabled, for example, the comparison result of two strings (lists of Chars) is decided by lexicographical comparison. However, comparing two ADT values with different constructors will cause a type error. (for convenience, nil is less than any value)

Implementation Internals


Currently Erumpo has an interpreter written in Haskell. The interpreter program is divided into the following 5 modules:

  • Common.hs, includes the common type definitions for the whole interpreter program
  • Interpreter.hs, includes the expression evaluator and utility functions for pattern matching, comparing/printing values, etc
  • Main.hs, launches an interactive REPL with empty environment
  • Parser.hs, includes a naive monadic PEG(Parsing Expression Grammars) parser. Support for syntactic sugar (the [] notation/multi-parameter functions) are implemented here and not visible to the interpreter
  • REPL.hs, includes the REPL and implements declare/import declarations

Environment Model

The evaluation of an Erumpo expression is done in an environment, which is a set of bindings from variable names to values. Common.hs includes the definition of the environment: type Env = Map.Map String Val. The Haskell standard module Data.Map is used, which internally is a persistent binary search tree. Using it simplifies the implementation (in C/C++ there is no persistent data structure in the standard libraries!), reduces variable insertion/lookup overhead and preserves enough information to support eval expressions on strings.

Structured Comparison

Erumpo supports structured comparison. For example, evaluating (< [2 3 5 7] [2 4 6]) yields true. In general, there are two types of comparisons: comparison for equality (similar to the Eq type class in Haskell) and comparison for ordering (similar to the Ord type class in Haskell).

When comparing two values of different types for equality, the result is false, but the result is fatal error when comparing them for ordering. The comparison for equality is used for matching constant patterns.

For convenience, nil is less than any value. Then we can obtain a lexicographical order for ADT values.

Monadic Code Style

Error handling in other languages involves checking return values or using try/catch constructs to play with exceptions. These styles produce a lot of boilerplate code. Instead, the Maybe monad is used throughout the program for simple and effective error handling, and Haskell provides the do notation as a handy syntactic sugar.


3-clause BSD license. Check LICENSE in this repository.