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Vfix : Vim, Debugging, Vim-scripts
Go here for autoload + popup version
A crude and simple script for Vim to resolve some of the error :messages
yielded when vim-scrips fail.
Can be a help to find where errors originate etc.
- For Vim >= 8.1.0362
- For Nvim >= 0.4.0 (#a2e48b556b7537acd26353b6cc201410be7cf3dc)
Autoload and Popup preview
This is currently on a different branch;
- Added marks
:information_source: About
Parses :messages
and resolves numeric and other references to errors before adding them to QuickFix list.
:heavy_dollar_sign: Example
As in gif above.
Error detected while processing function 346[5]..345[31]..340: line 3: E492: Not and editor command: ^I^I^Iautocmdx
Pushed by Vfix to QuickFix as:
1 .vim/some/dir/script.vim|460 error 492| fun! s:MyScript.set_au(): Not an editor command: autocmdx 2 .vim/some/dir/script.vim|564 info| Called by: fun! s:MyScript.go_active(a, b) 3 .vim/some/dir/script.vim|594 info| Called by: fun! s:MyScript.interpret_cmd(...)
Here we have on line 1. in QuickFix the offending line 460
by function 340
resolved to s:MyScript.set_au()
Line 2. and 3. are the trace from 345 to 346. The entries in the QuickFix list are direct links to the scripts and their error lines - as long as they can be found.
:floppy_disk: Install
Put script in a autoload folder or source it manually.
:pager:: Commands
Adds one command: :Vfix
:books: Usage
The script comes with a few options. When Vfix has been sourced you can run:
:Vfix help
to get a list:
a : append - Append to QuickFix List. Default OFF:replace
r : reverse - Reverse messages. Default OFF:FIFO
o : copen - Open using copen. Default OFF:cw
s : silent - Do not open window. Default OFF
ig : nolost - Ignore lost functions. Default OFF
au : autorun - Vfix on sourcing a file. Default OFF
ac : clear - Alway clear ":messages". Default OFF
fm : use-mark - Only from last mark. Default ON
m : use-mark - Search mark.
am : auto-mark - Add marks in :messages. Default ON
M : mark-now - Add a mark in :messages.
lm : list-m - List marks
cc : clear - Clear messages once.
sf : Print Status for flags.
h : This help
Beware that cc
and ac
erase :messages
. To view status of flags use :Vfix sf
:Vfix alone runs the script and open QuickFix if it managed to dechipher any errors - optionally with cc
, a
, s
, o
or r
:mag: Lost functions
Note that every time a script get sourced it get a new reference. If this is a numeric ref. it can not be resolved later and one will get N/A
+ a noop address in the errors list. Activate ig
to silence these.
Update: With marks this is now better handled. Use marks and all old messages are ignored.
:earth_americas: Global options
Override on options can be set in .vimrc (or elsewhere). All takes 1
for on and 0
for off.
" Option Default
g:Vfix_append 0 " Append to QuickFix error list. Else replace.
g:Vfix_copen 0 " Use copen. Else cwindow.
g:Vfix_silent 0 " Never open window.
g:Vfix_reverse 0 " Reverse messages / errors LIFO. Main reson for this is
" when one have a lot of `:messages`. Would perhaps be
" better to jump to end of error list.
g:Vfix_ignore_lost 0 " Ignore errors where functions can not be resolved. See
" note below.
g:Vfix_clr_always 0 " Clear :messages each time Vfix is executed
g:Vfix_auto_run 0 " Auto run on sourcing. Can be buggy.
g:Vfix_filter_mark 1 " Only parse messages from last mark
g:Vfix_auto_mark 1 " Add mark in :messages each time a script is sourced
g:Vfix_hi_mark Comment " Highlighting group to use for marks in messages
g:Vfix_load_on_startup 0 " The boot() section of the code will be run first
" time :Vfix is called. Set this to 1 to boot()
" when vim source the script. Mainly for hacking.
g:Vfix_re_source_globals 0 " Mainly for hacking ***this*** script.
" If set and true global options will be reset when
" re-sourcing script.
:newspaper: News
Marks in :messages
and new default values.
Added support for marks in messages. It makes, I hope, for a cleaner experience.
By this the default reversing of messages is also turned off.
Works in short like this:
Pre Sourcing: echo a persistent message (mark) to
- On run: Search for last mark and ignore all messages before it
Note! Marks are not auto added if path is */autoload/*
. Yes, this can
be somewhat inconvenient - but as we hook to SourcePre we risk adding marks
on places where we do not want them ... Could try to find a better solution
for this.
- Auto marking + filtering from last mark is on by default.
- All marks has a prefix of
;; VfixM NN HH:MM:SS <file|text>
where NN is an internal counter. - Add marks manually by
:Vfix M <optional text>
- Filter using earlier marks by
:Vfix m NR..
- Show all by uing
:Vfix m 0
, or turn mark filtering off:Vfix fm=0
- List marks by:
:Vfix lm
- Set marks highlighting by
, default "Comment"
:mega: Notes
- [x] Support for Neovim (and older versions then 8.2)
- [ ] ~~Add option to use shell command to read script files. Each time we read a
file, even though it is with
, the file is pushed to the hidden buflist. This can be a bit noisy.~~ Files are added when updating Quickfix so this is not an option. - [ ] Consider jumping to end of error list instead of reversing.
- [ ] Sorting is a mess when one have mixed messages: One can typically have an
error reference in
followed by one or more error messages. This script is greedy when reading errors after an error with reported location - resulting in a skewed reporting when it comes to called by references. So - w ork on this. - [ ] Better autocommand handling.
- [ ] More specific about that -^ point so it is actually possible to check off. :sweat_smile:
- [ ] It is possible to cache references to all objects and functions each
time a script is sourced by looping
etc. Could have it as an option, but likely best suited as an addon. Is a bit complex and usually not worth it. - [x] Find a way to set a a mark in
if user reloads a script they are working on. Could likely use autocommand in combination with:silent echom
This way one could ignore lost messages better. - [ ] As we read the files where errors originated and also get context - a few lines before / after - one could try to implement a way to show this. Popup? For example a popup while navigating QuickFix list. Could be useful for when one do not want to open the file - or the file is open in another vim session.
- [ ] Look up error number in
? Each:message
is prepended with an error in the form ofENNN
. Could add a link to this, - but have not found it useful. - [ ] Add a plain-text README?
- [ ] This README started partially as a joke. Clean it up.
:curly_loop: History
Is a snip that has been in my .vim directory for years, adding a little now and then. Likely a lot of bugs, ironically enough. Did some cleanup on the code and have likely introduced a few more. But put it out there in case anyone find it helpful.