LagGoggles copied to clipboard
Still no permission
Minecraft Server Version 1.12.2
My Minecraft Server is running on SpongeForge 1.12.2 - 7.1.5 - RC 3506
My Modpack : HeartBeat Lite [ ]
List Of Mods (69) :
Minecraft, Minecraft Coder Pack, Forge Mod Loader, Minecraft Forge, SpongeAPI, Sponge, Applied Energistics 2, Aroma1997Core, AromaBackup, AromaBackuprecovery, Astikoor, Baubles, Better Records, BiblioCraft, Chisel, Chisels & Bits, CoFH Core, CoFH World, CodeChicken Lib, Davinci's Vessels, Doggy Talents, EnderStorage, Exotic Birds, Extra Bit Manipulation, Extreme Reactors, Ferdinand's Flowers, Flat Colored Blocks, FoamFix, FoamFixCore, Forestry, Forge Endertech, IndustrialCraft 2, Inventory Tweaks, Just Enough Items, MalisisCore, MalisisDoors, Mekanism, MekanismGenerators, Modern Warfare, Moving World, MovingWorld CORE, MrCrayfish's Device Mod, MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod, Not Enough Items, OMLib, Open Modular Passive Defense, Open Modular Turrets, OpenBlocks, OpenComputers, OpenComputers (Core), OpenModsLib, OpenModsLib Core, Pam's HarvestCraft, Random Things, RandomPatches, Redstone Flux, Redstone Paste, SecurityCraft, Shadowfacts' Forgelin, SignPicture, SpongeForge, Thermal Dynamics, Thermal Expansion, Thermal Foundation, Thermal Innovation, Tree Chopper, Waila, WorldEdit, Zero CORE
Server Plugins(Sponge Based) List :
Plugins (28):-
- Minecraft
- Minecraft Coder Pack, SpongeAPI
- Sponge
- Boop
- CatClearLag
- ColorAnvil
- CrazyFeetSponge
- EconomyLite
- FlexibleLogin
- GriefPrevention
- Holograms
- LuckPerms
- MMCRestrict
- MagiBridge
- Nations
- Nucleus
- ParticleEffectCombinator
- PixelAutoMessages
- Plan
- Player Glow
- SayItem
- ServerListPlus
- SkinChanger
- StatusProtocol
- UltimateCore
- Wasted
Issue : I installed Lag Goggles SPONGEFORGE 1.12.2-4.1 onto the server & the latest LAG Goggles FORGE version on my modpack..
I am still not getting permission, I OPPED myself as well and still nothing changed..
How to reproduce:
Stacktrace, if any:
Crash report:
Console log:
Other notes:
If logs is necessary i can try providing a fresh server logs if you want to.
Issue is also related to #38
I have not yet used LuckPerms since I have been busy with Tiquality.
LagGoggles checks permission using
FMLCommonHandler.instance().getMinecraftServerInstance().getPlayerList().getOppedPlayers().getPermissionLevel(p.getGameProfile()) > 0
If this returns true, you get full permissions.
Can you provide me the log, maybe I can find something...
Welp. There's no useful information in that log...
All I can really say right now is hold on to your hats, and wait for the LagGoggles rewrite...
Aight, will be patient