He told me in an email he'll start working on a new version from this week on and fix this issue. Hopefully he can solve it soon as our website...
Hi @vaibhavbhanushali, thank you for your effort. I will try it next week but I hope he will publish a new version until next week. Greetz
Hi @dixso, your bugfix is still not fixing all issues. It got better but here you can see the iframe of a youtube video getting refreshed each time a modal...
@dixso Any news on this?
For your information: Everytime the modal windows gets opened OR closed the iframe (e. g. youtube video) in the background gets refreshed/reloaded. This happens when you use the following properties:...
Now I've noticed that when I change the effect from "blur" to "scale" the iframe doesn't get refreshed/reloaded in the background so it must be a thing with the blur...
I'm also having this kind of problem. My website has a big height and has a scrollbar at the right side of the browser (firefox, latest version). And when I...
It's Windows 10 Prof. 64 Bit. Currently I'm short of time but you can also see the effect on your own website: http://dixso.github.io/custombox/ Go to "effects", hit the "demo" button...
This bugfix is also very important to us. With the refreshing/reloaded iframe bug (https://github.com/dixso/custombox/issues/188) this bug makes our website very ugly. We use your custombox very often so the page...
BTW: It would be good to leave the scroolbar visible when custombox opens but the custombox background should overlay the scrollbar. This framework works perfect in that sense: http://vodkabears.github.io/remodal