This is the proposed stereo matching reference script. The logger, distributed, padder utils are taken from our optical flow reference scripts. The losses and transforms are included separately in two...
These are the transforms used for Stereo Matching. The resize and rescale is mostly a pure copy paste from the Optical Flow one, with the exception that it performs scaling...
Some of the Stereo Matching criterions that can be added to a training loop for regularisation purposes. Contains two candidates for more generic usage: respectively SSIM and PSNR losses
### 🚀 The feature A module-based approach of building **U-Nets** inside torchvision, similar to torchmultimodals sub-network approach. Mostly a food for though experiment given the similar nature of other popular...
This is a draft PR supporting the RFC for issue #6610. This is a rough sketch of how an architecture frame-work might look if added into torchvision. Suggestion are most...
This is an optimiser that is a variant of the Cosine Annealing Restart scheduler or the OneCycleLR optimiser. The added optimiser can decrease over time the maximum learning rate it...