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[NeurIPS'20] Self-supervised Co-Training for Video Representation Learning. Tengda Han, Weidi Xie, Andrew Zisserman.
CoCLR: Self-supervised Co-Training for Video Representation Learning
This repository contains the implementation of:
- InfoNCE (MoCo on videos)
- UberNCE (supervised contrastive learning on videos)
- [2021.01.29] Upload both RGB and optical flow dataset for UCF101 (links).
- [2021.01.11] Update our paper for NeurIPS2020 final version: corrected InfoNCE-RGB-linearProbe baseline result in Table1 from 52.3% (pretrained for 800 epochs, unnessary and unfair) to 46.8% (pretrained for 500 epochs, fair comparison). Thanks @liuhualin333 for pointing out.
- [2020.12.08] Update instructions.
- [2020.11.17] Upload pretrained weights for UCF101 experiments.
- [2020.10.30] Update "draft" dataloader files, CoCLR code, evaluation code as requested by some researchers. Will check and add detailed instructions later.
Pretrain Instruction
- InfoNCE pretrain on UCF101-RGB
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=2 --net s3d --model infonce --moco-k 2048 \
--dataset ucf101-2clip --seq_len 32 --ds 1 --batch_size 32 \
--epochs 300 --schedule 250 280 -j 16
- InfoNCE pretrain on UCF101-Flow
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=2 --net s3d --model infonce --moco-k 2048 \
--dataset ucf101-f-2clip --seq_len 32 --ds 1 --batch_size 32 \
--epochs 300 --schedule 250 280 -j 16
- CoCLR pretrain on UCF101 for one cycle
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=2 --net s3d --topk 5 --moco-k 2048 \
--dataset ucf101-2stream-2clip --seq_len 32 --ds 1 --batch_size 32 \
--epochs 100 --schedule 80 --name_prefix Cycle1-FlowMining_ -j 8 \
--pretrain {rgb_infoNCE_checkpoint.pth.tar} {flow_infoNCE_checkpoint.pth.tar}
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=2 --net s3d --topk 5 --moco-k 2048 --reverse \
--dataset ucf101-2stream-2clip --seq_len 32 --ds 1 --batch_size 32 \
--epochs 100 --schedule 80 --name_prefix Cycle1-RGBMining_ -j 8 \
--pretrain {flow_infoNCE_checkpoint.pth.tar} {rgb_cycle1_checkpoint.pth.tar}
- InfoNCE pretrain on K400-RGB
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=4 --net s3d --model infonce --moco-k 16384 \
--dataset k400-2clip --lr 1e-3 --seq_len 32 --ds 1 --batch_size 32 \
--epochs 300 --schedule 250 280 -j 16
- InfoNCE pretrain on K400-Flow
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=4 --net s3d --model infonce --moco-k 16384 \
--dataset k400-f-2clip --lr 1e-3 --seq_len 32 --ds 1 --batch_size 32 \
--epochs 300 --schedule 250 280 -j 16
- CoCLR pretrain on K400 for one cycle
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=2 --net s3d --topk 5 --moco-k 16384 \
--dataset k400-2stream-2clip --seq_len 32 --ds 1 --batch_size 32 \
--epochs 50 --schedule 40 --name_prefix Cycle1-FlowMining_ -j 8 \
--pretrain {rgb_infoNCE_checkpoint.pth.tar} {flow_infoNCE_checkpoint.pth.tar}
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=2 --net s3d --topk 5 --moco-k 16384 --reverse \
--dataset k400-2stream-2clip --seq_len 32 --ds 1 --batch_size 32 \
--epochs 50 --schedule 40 --name_prefix Cycle1-RGBMining_ -j 8 \
--pretrain {flow_infoNCE_checkpoint.pth.tar} {rgb_cycle1_checkpoint.pth.tar}
Finetune Instruction
cd eval/
e.g. finetune UCF101-rgb:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python --net s3d --dataset ucf101 \
--seq_len 32 --ds 1 --batch_size 32 --train_what ft --epochs 500 --schedule 400 450 \
--pretrain {selected_rgb_pretrained_checkpoint.pth.tar}
then run the test with 10-crop (test-time augmentation is helpful, 10-crop gives better result than center-crop):
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python --net s3d --dataset ucf101 \
--seq_len 32 --ds 1 --batch_size 32 --train_what ft --epochs 500 --schedule 400 450 \
--test {selected_rgb_finetuned_checkpoint.pth.tar} --ten_crop
Nearest-neighbour Retrieval Instruction
cd eval/
e.g. nn-retrieval for UCF101-rgb
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --net s3d --dataset ucf101 \
--seq_len 32 --ds 1 --test {selected_rgb_pretrained_checkpoint.pth.tar} --retrieval
Linear-probe Instruction
cd eval/
from extracted feature
The code support two methods on linear-probe, either feed the data end-to-end and freeze the backbone, or train linear layer on extracted features. Both methods give similar best results in our experiments.
e.g. on extracted features (after run NN-retrieval command above, features will be saved in os.path.dirname(checkpoint)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --dataset ucf101 \
--test {feature_dirname} --final_bn --lr 1.0 --wd 1e-3
Note that the default setting should give an alright performance, maybe 1-2% lower than our paper's figure.
For different datasets, lr
and wd
need to be tuned from lr: 0.1 to 1.0; wd: 1e-4 to 1e-1.
load data and freeze backbone
alternatively, feed data end-to-end and freeze the backbone.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python --net s3d --dataset ucf101 \
--seq_len 32 --ds 1 --batch_size 32 --train_what last --epochs 100 --schedule 60 80 \
--optim sgd --lr 1e-1 --wd 1e-3 --final_bn --pretrain {selected_rgb_pretrained_checkpoint.pth.tar}
Similarly, lr
and wd
need to be tuned for different datasets for best performance.
- RGB for UCF101: [download-from-server] [download-from-gdrive] (tar file, 29GB, packed with lmdb)
- TVL1 optical flow for UCF101: [download-from-server] [download-from-gdrive] (tar file, 20.5GB, packed with lmdb)
- Note: I created these lmdb files with msgpack==0.6.2, when load them with msgpack>=1.0.0, you can do
msgpack.loads(raw_data, raw=True)
Finetune entire network for action classification on UCF101:
Pretrained Weights
Our models:
- UCF101-RGB-CoCLR: [download] [NN@1=51.8 on UCF101-RGB]
- UCF101-Flow-CoCLR: [download] [NN@1=48.4 on UCF101-Flow]
Baseline models:
- UCF101-RGB-InfoNCE: [download] [NN@1=33.1 on UCF101-RGB]
- UCF101-Flow-InfoNCE: [download] [NN@1=45.2 on UCF101-Flow]
Kinetics400-pretrained models:
- K400-RGB-CoCLR: [download] [NN@1=45.6, Finetune-Acc@1=87.89 on UCF101-RGB]
- K400-Flow-CoCLR: [download] [NN@1=44.4, Finetune-Acc@1=85.27 on UCF101-Flow]
- Two-stream result by average the class probability: 0.8789 + 0.8527 => 0.9061