ViT-Lens copied to clipboard
SUN RGB-D is not in millimeters
I was trying to apply this model to my own data and not getting good results. I ran the NYUv2 dataset through my code, and the results seem to be in line with those reported in the ViT-Lens paper.
Digging into it, the issue is - at least partly - that the NYUv2 data is not in millimeters. Here is the matlab code for converting the png files to mm that is in the SUNRGBDtoolbox (
depthVis = imread(data.depthpath);
imsize = size(depthVis);
depthInpaint = bitor(bitshift(depthVis,-3), bitshift(depthVis,16-3));
In other words, the data in the png files is a circular shift left by 3 bits of the depth in mm (which for most data is just multiplying by 8).
I mention this because the code in seems to indicate that it is assumed that the data is in mm. It might be important if other datasets get used that are in mm and not the SUN RGB-D format.