MMKV copied to clipboard
The language of MMKV
The version of MMKV
The platform of MMKV
The installation of MMKV
What's the issue?
#0 Thread
解析原始 0 libc++abi.dylib 0x00000001b4022000 + 77728 2 libc++abi.dylib 0x00000001b4022000 + 89016 3 MyAPP mmkv::CodedInputDataCrypt::readString(mmkv::KeyValueHolderCrypt&) (CodedInputDataCrypt_OSX.cpp:0) 4 MyAPP _ZZN4mmkv11MiniPBCoder12decodeOneMapERNSt3__113unordered_mapIP8NSStringNS_19KeyValueHolderCryptENS_9KeyHasherENS_10KeyEqualerENS1_9allocatorINS1_4pairIKS4_S5_EEEEEEmbENK3$1clESE (MiniPBCoder_OSX.cpp:140) 5 MyAPP mmkv::MiniPBCoder::decodeOneMap(std::__1::unordered_map<NSString*, mmkv::KeyValueHolderCrypt, mmkv::KeyHasher, mmkv::KeyEqualer, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::pair<NSString* const, mmkv::KeyValueHolderCrypt> > >&, unsigned long, bool) (unordered_map:1268) 6 MyAPP mmkv::MiniPBCoder::decodeMap(std::__1::unordered_map<NSString*, mmkv::KeyValueHolderCrypt, mmkv::KeyHasher, mmkv::KeyEqualer, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::pair<NSString* const, mmkv::KeyValueHolderCrypt> > >&, mmkv::MMBuffer const&, mmkv::AESCrypt*, unsigned long) (MiniPBCoder.cpp:53) 7 MyAPP mmkv::MMKV::loadFromFile() (MMKV_IO.cpp:105) 8 MyAPP mmkv::MMKV::checkLoadData() (MMKV_IO.cpp:0) 9 MyAPP mmkv::MMKV::getDataForKey(NSString*) (MMKV_IO.cpp:468) 10 MyAPP mmkv::MMKV::getBool(NSString*, bool) (MMBuffer.h:83)
Can you reproduce this crash? Do you have logs of MMKV when this happened?
无法复现,也没有MMKV的log。 唯一的信息就是这些堆栈了
Then there's nothing we can do about it. Come back when you have more info.
你好,我们打开了mmkv的log,收集了 crash 前的信息。
`{ "date": "2021-11-25T14:17:55.055+08:00", "app_id": "", "level": "I", "thread": "", "location": "tryResetFileProtection", "message": "protection on [/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/72BF2D95-1F82-413F-843C-FDBE64518509/Documents/mmkv/] is NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication", "uid": "(null)", "os": "iOS 14.4.1", "device_id": "(null)", "device_model": "(null)" } { "date": "2021-11-25T14:17:55.055+08:00", "app_id": "", "level": "I", "thread": "", "location": "tryResetFileProtection", "message": "protection on [/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/72BF2D95-1F82-413F-843C-FDBE64518509/Documents/mmkv/] is NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication", "uid": "(null)", "os": "iOS 14.4.1", "device_id": "(null)", "device_model": "(null)", } { "date": "2021-11-25T14:17:55.055+08:00", "app_id": "", "level": "I", "thread": "", "location": "loadFromFile", "message": "loading [] with 105950 actual size, file size 262144, InterProcess 0, meta info version:3", "uid": "(null)", "os": "iOS 14.4.1", "device_id": "(null)", "device_model": "(null)", } { "date": "2021-11-25T14:17:55.055+08:00", "app_id": "", "level": "I", "thread": "", "location": "loadFromFile", "message": "loading [] with crc 2483258793 sequence 146 version 3", "uid": "(null)", "os": "iOS 14.4.1", "device_id": "(null)", "device_model": "(null)", } { "date": "2021-11-25T14:17:55.055+08:00", "app_id": "", "level": "I", "thread": "", "location": "loadFromFile", "message": "loaded [] with 89 key-values", "uid": "(null)", "os": "iOS 14.4.1", "device_id": "(null)", "device_model": "(null)", }
{ "date": "2021-11-25T14:17:55.055+08:00", "app_id": "", "level": "I", "thread": "", "location": "tryResetFileProtection", "message": "protection on [/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/72BF2D95-1F82-413F-843C-FDBE64518509/Documents/mmkv/] is NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication", "uid": "(null)", "os": "iOS 14.4.1", "device_id": "(null)", "device_model": "(null)", } { "date": "2021-11-25T14:17:55.055+08:00", "app_id": "", "level": "I", "thread": "", "location": "tryResetFileProtection", "message": "protection on [/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/72BF2D95-1F82-413F-843C-FDBE64518509/Documents/mmkv/] is NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication", "uid": "(null)", "os": "iOS 14.4.1", "device_id": "(null)", "device_model": "(null)", } { "date": "2021-11-25T14:17:55.055+08:00", "app_id": "", "level": "I", "thread": "", "location": "loadFromFile", "message": "loading [] with 380371 actual size, file size 1048576, InterProcess 0, meta info version:3", "uid": "(null)", "os": "iOS 14.4.1", "device_id": "(null)", "device_model": "(null)", } { "date": "2021-11-25T14:17:55.055+08:00", "app_id": "", "level": "I", "thread": "", "location": "loadFromFile", "message": "loading [] with crc 2337473046 sequence 147 version 3", "uid": "(null)", "os": "iOS 14.4.1", "device_id": "(null)", "device_model": "(null)", } { "date": "2021-11-25T14:17:55.055+08:00", "app_id": "", "level": "I", "thread": "", "location": "loadFromFile", "message": "loaded [] with 141 key-values", "uid": "(null)", "os": "iOS 14.4.1", "device_id": "(null)", "device_model": "(null)", }
{ "date": "2021-11-25T14:17:55.055+08:00", "app_id": "", "level": "I", "thread": "", "location": "tryResetFileProtection", "message": "protection on [/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/72BF2D95-1F82-413F-843C-FDBE64518509/Documents/mmkv/] is NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication", "uid": "8622977395", "os": "iOS 14.4.1", "device_model": "iPhone_8_Plus", } { "date": "2021-11-25T14:17:55.055+08:00", "app_id": "com.XXX", "level": "I", "thread": "", "location": "tryResetFileProtection", "message": "protection on [/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/72BF2D95-1F82-413F-843C-FDBE64518509/Documents/mmkv/] is NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication", "uid": "8622977395", "os": "iOS 14.4.1", "device_model": "iPhone_8_Plus", } { "date": "2021-11-25T14:17:55.055+08:00", "app_id": "com.xueXXXqiu", "level": "I", "thread": "", "location": "loadFromFile", "message": "loading [com.XXX.dataCache.8622977395] with 554515 actual size, file size 1048576, InterProcess 0, meta info version:3", "uid": "8622977395", "os": "iOS 14.4.1", "device_model": "iPhone_8_Plus", } { "date": "2021-11-25T14:17:55.055+08:00", "app_id": "com.XXX", "level": "I", "thread": "", "location": "loadFromFile", "message": "loading [com.XXX.dataCache.8622977395] with crc 677708095 sequence 78 version 3", "uid": "8622977395", "os": "iOS 14.4.1", "device_model": "iPhone_8_Plus", } { "date": "2021-11-25T14:17:55.055+08:00", "app_id": "com.XXX", "level": "C", "thread": "com.tencent.bugly.operationQueue (QOS: USER_INTERACTIVE)", "location": "-[PREMediator(PRETrack) attachmentForException:]", "message": "bugly crash:std::out_of_range||(null)||0 libc++abi.dylib 0x00000001bffc4154 0x00000001bffb2000 + 740681 libc++abi.dylib 0x00000001bffc40ec _ZSt9terminatev + 442 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001ab77b294 0x00000001ab71a000 + 3979723 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001ab754190 0x00000001ab71a000 + 2379684 FrontBoardServices 0x00000001baeb8e60 0x00000001bae63000 + 3518405 FrontBoardServices 0x00000001baeb8b28 0x00000001bae63000 + 3510166 FrontBoardServices 0x00000001baeb8ffc 0x00000001bae63000 + 3522527 CoreFoundation 0x00000001abac2bf0 0x00000001aba28000 + 6338408 CoreFoundation 0x00000001abac2af0 0x00000001aba28000 + 6335849 CoreFoundation 0x00000001abac1e38 0x00000001aba28000 + 63032810 CoreFoundation 0x00000001ababc3e0 0x00000001aba28000 + 60720011 CoreFoundation 0x00000001ababbba0 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 57212 GraphicsServices 0x00000001c2824598 GSEventRunModal + 16013 UIKitCore 0x00000001ae3ad2f4 0x00000001ad87f000 + 1172350814 UIKitCore 0x00000001ae3b2874 UIApplicationMain + 16415 Snowball 0x0000000108ecdee0 _ZN5folly6detail15str_to_integralIxEENS_8ExpectedIT_NS_14ConversionCodeEEEPNS_5RangeIPKcEE + 987284016 libdyld.dylib 0x00000001ab79a568 0x00000001ab799000 + 5480", "uid": "8622977395", "os": "iOS 14.4.1", "device_model": "iPhone_8_Plus", }`
Can you export the file com.XXX.dataCache.8622977395
and the CRC file com.XXX.dataCache.8622977395.crc
on this crash device?
用户环境现在拿不到这两个文件。从目前的信息中可以看到问题的产生大大概方向吗? 感谢!
If you can't reproduce it & it's not that much report online. You should just ignore it. Without a reproducible case, it's impossible to further investigate.
Can you export the file
and the CRC filecom.XXX.dataCache.8622977395.crc
on this crash device?
你好 ,我们在 crash 设备上收集到出错的文件了,请问如何和你对接帮忙看下问题。
Just upload them here as file attechments.
Just upload them here as file attechments. 崩溃信息.zip
Just upload them here as file attechments. 崩溃信息.zip
Looks like your MMKV is encrypted, did you forget to provide the encryption key inside your zip attachment? I was unable to diagnose the file without the encryption key.
By the way, I found that the order of your logs is questionable. For one example,
"2022-03-21T16:44:30.864Z",loadFromFile,"loaded [] with 86 key-values" "2022-03-21T16:44:30.864Z","-[MMKV onMemoryWarning]","cleaning on memory warning"
There's no 'loading xxx' between those two logs. Eighter you have lost it, or the order is not reliable. We recommend using our open-sourced logging tool xlog.
And you should provide thread info/thread id for each line of log.
Just upload them here as file attechments. 崩溃信息.zip
Looks like your MMKV is encrypted, did you forget to provide the encryption key inside your zip attachment? I was unable to diagnose the file without the encryption key.
Sure. [email protected]
That's very vivid logs you provided. However, the order is still questionable. I have filtered out all info relative to the corrupted file:
2022-03-25T02:53:58.537Z,loadFromFile,loading [com.xueqiu.dataCache] with crc 444446063 sequence 916 version 3,
2022-03-25T02:53:58.537Z,loadFromFile,"loading [com.xueqiu.dataCache] with 638676 actual size, file size 1048576, InterProcess 0, meta info version:3",
2022-03-25T02:53:58.537Z,tryResetFileProtection,protection on [/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/0BF4F9FF-DCB9-496D-A371-E9BCB8D4811F/Documents/mmkv/com.xueqiu.dataCache] is NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication,
2022-03-25T02:53:58.537Z,loadFromFile,文件读取失败 com.xueqiu.dataCache,
2022-03-25T02:53:58.536Z,-[MMKV onMemoryWarning],cleaning on memory warning com.xueqiu.dataCache,
2022-03-25T02:53:58.536Z,clearMemoryCache,clearMemoryCache [com.xueqiu.dataCache],
See, the order is wrong. There's no way loadFromFile,文件读取失败
happens before loading [com.xueqiu.dataCache] with 638676 actual size
You should use a proper logging tools such as our xlog.
And you should upgrade to the latest version of MMKV. v1.2.8 is a bit old.
That's very vivid logs you provided. However, the order is still questionable. I have filtered out all info relative to the corrupted file:
2022-03-25T02:53:58.537Z,loadFromFile,loading [com.xueqiu.dataCache] with crc 444446063 sequence 916 version 3, 2022-03-25T02:53:58.537Z,loadFromFile,"loading [com.xueqiu.dataCache] with 638676 actual size, file size 1048576, InterProcess 0, meta info version:3", 2022-03-25T02:53:58.537Z,tryResetFileProtection,protection on [/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/0BF4F9FF-DCB9-496D-A371-E9BCB8D4811F/Documents/mmkv/com.xueqiu.dataCache] is NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, 2022-03-25T02:53:58.537Z,loadFromFile,文件读取失败 com.xueqiu.dataCache, 2022-03-25T02:53:58.536Z,-[MMKV onMemoryWarning],cleaning on memory warning com.xueqiu.dataCache, 2022-03-25T02:53:58.536Z,clearMemoryCache,clearMemoryCache [com.xueqiu.dataCache],
See, the order is wrong. There's no way
happens beforeloading [com.xueqiu.dataCache] with 638676 actual size
.You should use a proper logging tools such as our xlog.
And you should upgrade to the latest version of MMKV. v1.2.8 is a bit old.
我们的项目中catch (std::exception &exception)无法捕获到std::out_of_range异常,但是通过catch(std::out_of_range &exception)可以捕获到,原因不太明确。所以为了避免崩溃,我们在MMKV::loadFromFile()中调用MiniPBCoder::decodeMap()处增加了捕获std::out_of_range代码,"loadFromFile,文件读取失败"日志就来源于此处。
It's fixed in v1.3.2. @tom555cat