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腾讯事务处理技术验证系统(Tencent Transaction Processing Testbed System)

Results 30 3TS issues
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This is a core technology. This is a systematic technology . This technique involves the theory of transaction processing. Look forward to it, I can't wait to release it. Well,...

Use the master-slave structure to deploy the database in a distributed manner, and use the framework to test the consistency of MariaDB

feat: support bug detection related to isolation level resolve the issue: [bug detection related to isolation level](https://github.com/Tencent/3TS/issues/43) Modify parts of code in [Coo consistency check](https://github.com/Tencent/3TS/pull/50/commits) to realize the error detection...

文档建设和优化:静态测试 https://github.com/Tencent/3TS/issues/36 issue认领。添加了StaticTest.md文档,对case_cntl.cc、sqltest.cc、sql_cntl.cc三个文件进行概述。

issue #42 Generate different test cases for weak isolation levels of different databases. The isolation level of the database has different capabilities to break the cycles in POP. If the...

pr for issue #42, randomly allocate a isolation level for every txn when create test case * add isolation level message in description * isolation level: READ-UNCOMMITTED, READ-COMMITTED, REPEATABLE-READ,SERIALIZABLE *...

link: https://github.com/Tencent/3TS/issues/44

类型:功能添加-隔离级别相关的测试样例生成 隔离级别是dbms为了平衡隔离性和事务的并发效率而制定的SQL标准。主流DBMS的隔离级别,由低到高包括读未提交,读已提交,可重复读和可串行执行。低的隔离级别,不同事务会互相干扰,而高的隔离级别,每个事务都近似于单独在执行,没有其他事务并发执行。现在3TS-coo的测试样例动态生成(位于3TS/src/​dbtest/​src/mda_generate.py)对于所有隔离级别都生成一样的测试样例。然而同样的测试样例,在不同的隔离级别下,可能结果不同。例如在可重复读隔离级别下的异常测试样例,在读已提交隔离级别下可能是正常行为(为了保证事务的并发效率,该隔离级别允许出现这种“异常”)。 换句话说,有些测试样例,只适用于某个隔离级别,而在测试更高级的隔离级别时是无意义的。例如测试读可提交隔离级别是否有幻读现象是无意义的,因为幻读现象是该隔离级别“允许”出现的(符合隔离级别定义),不算是异常。 现在,我们希望能够对不同隔离级别,生成不同的测试样例,这种测试样例如果出现异常,则代表违背了该隔离级别的定义。 本issue不需要验证测试样例是否异常,只需要针对隔离级别的定义,生成对该隔离级别有意义的测试样例即可。 开发方式:fork分支coo-consistency-check代码到自己的仓库,clone后添加相应功能并验证再提PR合并。 **本issue为2024犀牛鸟开源人才培养活动专属issue,仅供在校大学生参与领取** 【认领issue】在[研学基地](https://docs.qq.com/sheet/DTk9YV3pXSklZZ29D)"issue营地"对应issue行的M~R列**抢滩报名**,即视为**认领成功**。 【完成issue】已认领issue的同学,请同步在本issue评论区回复“已成功领取本issue”; 如7天内无提交任何进展包括不限于comment \ commit \ Pull Request,则将视为同学主动放弃issue,组委会将释放issue给下一位等候者。

pr for issue #35 , add doc to introduce mda_detect.py, mda_generate.py and random_do_list.py about dynamic testing

pr for issue #39 , adddocumentation, introduce how to compile 3TS-Coo in ubuntu18.04. * The ODBC driver manager uses unixODBC * The database uses Mysq 8.0.18 * ODBC Driver uses...