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The connector enables a developer to trigger OpenFaaS functions from Rabbit MQ using Messages with specific Routing Keys.

OpenFaaS RabbitMQ Connector

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This project is an unofficial trigger for OpenFaaS functions based on RabbitMQ Messages. Where it leverages the Routing keys to call OpenFaaS functions which listen to that topic. For usage information please go to here.


Using the OpenFaaS CLI or Rest API deploy a function which has an annotation named topic, this has to be a comma-separated string of the relevant topics. E.g. log,monitoring,billing.

In case an error occurred during the invocation of the function(s) the message is attempted to be transferred back to the Queue. Therefore you should ensure your functions can handle being called potentially twice with the same payload.

Further the returned output from the function is ignored, as the connector currently only supports fire & forget flows.

Please also make sure to check out the official Rabbit MQ documentation here and here in order to avoid message dropping.


General Connector:

  • basic_auth: Toggle to activate or deactivate basic_auth (E.g 1 || true)
  • secret_mount_path: The path to a file containing the basic auth secret for the OpenFaaS gateway
  • OPEN_FAAS_GW_URL: URL to the OpenFaaS gateway defaults to http://gateway:8080
  • REQ_TIMEOUT: Request Timeout for invocations of OpenFaaS functions defaults to 30s
  • TOPIC_MAP_REFRESH_TIME: Refresh time for the topic map defaults to 60s
  • INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY: Allows to skip verification of HTTP Cert for Communication Connector <=> OpenFaaS default is false. It is recommended to keep false, as enabling it opens up the possibility of a man in the middle attack.
  • MAX_CLIENT_PER_HOST: Allows to specify the maximum number connections/clients that will be opened to an individual host (function), defaults to 256.

TLS Config:

  • TLS_ENABLED: Set this to true if your RabbitMQ requires a TLS connection. Default to false if not set.
  • TLS_CA_CERT_PATH: Path to your CA Cert, make sure golang process is allowed to access it.
  • TLS_SERVER_CERT_PATH: Path to Client Cert, make sure golang process is allowed to access it.
  • TLS_SERVER_KEY_PATH: Path to Client Key, make sure golang process is allowed to access it.

Make sure if TLS is enabled, the provided RMQ_HOST matches the common name from the certificate. Otherwise the connection will yield a error

RabbitMQ Related:

  • RMQ_HOST: Hostname/ip of Rabbit MQ
  • RMQ_PORT: Port of Rabbit MQ
  • RMQ_VHOST: Used to specify the vhost for Rabbit MQ, will default to /
  • RMQ_USER: Defaults to "", if user and pass are both "" than no credentials will be used for connecting
  • RMQ_PASS: Defaults to "", if user and pass are both "" than no credentials will be used for connecting
  • PATH_TO_TOPOLOGY: Path to the yaml describing the topology, has no default and is required

Topology Configuration

Compared to v0 this is the biggest change, you can bring your existing Exchange definition to the connector. The topology is defined in the following format (Example):

# Name of the exchange
- name: Exchange_Name # Required
  topics: [Foo, Bar] # Required
  # Do we need to declare the exchange ? If it already exists it verifies that the exchange matches the configuration
  declare: true # Default: false
  # Either direct or topic
  type: "direct" # Required 
  # Persistence of Exchange between Rabbit MQ Server restarts
  durable: false # Default: false
  # Auto Deletes Exchange once all consumer are gone
  auto-deleted: false # Default: false

Queues will be configured accordingly to there exchange declaration in regards to durable & auto-deleted. Further the name of the queue will be generated based on the following schema: OpenFaaS_{Exchange_Name}_${Topic}.

Bug Reporting & Feature Requests

Please feel free to report any issues or Feature request on the Issue Tab.