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React components library for Telefonica Design System (Mistica)

Mistica for Web Mistica for Web

React components library for Telefonica Design System (Mistica)

Node.js CI

Getting started


yarn add @telefonica/mistica


npm install @telefonica/mistica

Start using @telefonica/mistica

Before using any of our components you have to add <ThemeContextProvider> in the root of your React app. Here is a complete example of a form with two text fields and a submit button:

import {createRoot} from 'react-dom/client';
// Import Mistica styles. Depending on the bundler you use, you may need to import it in a different way.
import '@telefonica/mistica/css/mistica.css';

// Use mistica components
import {
} from '@telefonica/mistica';

const App = () => (
    onSubmit={(formData) =>
        title: 'This is your data',
        message: JSON.stringify(formData, null, 2),
    <Box padding={16}>
      <Stack space={16}>
        <TextField name="name" label="Name" />
        <EmailField name="email" label="Email" />
        <ButtonLayout primaryButton={<ButtonPrimary submit>Send</ButtonPrimary>} />

const misticaTheme = {
  skin: getMovistarSkin(),
  i18n: {locale: 'es-ES', phoneNumberFormattingRegionCode: 'ES'},

const container = document.getElementById('app');
const root = createRoot(container);
  <ThemeContextProvider theme={misticaTheme}>
    <App />

The theme prop in ThemeContextProvider is mandatory, and you can use it to configure some aspects of the library. There are multiple settings but the only two mandatory fields are skin and i18n. Read the theme config doc for more info.

:warning: Usually, the theme object is constant and won't need to change dynamically in your application, in that case we recommend to extract it to an external const variable outside of the component, this way the object reference will be the same in every re-render. If for some reason the theme must be dynamic in your app, consider to memoize it (for example, with React.useMemo hook).

Mistica in Next.js app router

If you are using Next.js app router, we highly recommend enabling the following experimental config:

experimental: {
  optimizePackageImports: ['@telefonica/mistica'];

This will improve the tree shaking of the library, reduce the bundle size and the build time. For more info read this Next blog post: https://vercel.com/blog/how-we-optimized-package-imports-in-next-js


Explore the components in Mistica storybook

Start prototyping interfaces with Mistica components in the Mistica playroom

More docs


  • yarn test: run tests
  • yarn test-acceptance: run acceptance tests headless (you need to start storybook first)
  • yarn test-acceptance --ui: run acceptance tests with ui (you need to start storybook first)
  • yarn lint: check codestyle
  • yarn ts-check: check static types
  • yarn build: build package
  • yarn storybook: starts storybook
  • yarn playroom: starts playroom

More about Mistica

Mistica in other platforms



Mistica Community

About Mistica Community

If you are building a Mistica Community component, place it inside the src/community folder and don't forget to export it in the src/community/index.ts file to make it public.