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IGBLAST stops working with message: WORKER: T4 BATCH # 1 CEXCEPTION: Error pre-fetching sequence data and WORKER: T2 BATCH # 1 CEXCEPTION: Attempt to access NULL pointer.
I'm developing a flask application that uses igblast 1.14.0 on a Windows Server 2016. After a couple of runs, I get the following types of errors that results in igblast to stop running. Below are a handful of examples of the warnings/errors I get in the command line.
WORKER: T2 BATCH # 1 CEXCEPTION: Attempt to access NULL pointer. WORKER: T5 BATCH # 1 CEXCEPTION: Error pre-fetching sequence data WORKER: T4 BATCH # 1 CEXCEPTION: Error pre-fetching sequence data WORKER: T4 BATCH # 1 CEXCEPTION: Error pre-fetching sequence data
Occasionally I'll get a windows prompt that says igblast.exe stopped working. This is not a consistent error, sometimes everything works perfectly which makes it difficult to identify what could be the cause for igblast to just stop working. Has anyone encountered this issue? I would really appreciate any leads on what could be causing this to happen. Thank you in advance!
Here is an example of a query that I'm using.
def run_igblast(input_file, output_file): command = f"igblastn -germline_db_V database/vseq_file -germline_db_D database/dseq_file -germline_db_J database/jseq_file -organism human -query {input_file} -auxiliary_data optional_file/human_gl.aux -show_translation -sorthits 3 -searchsp 100 -out {output_file} -outfmt 3" os.system(f'cmd /c "{command}"')
I get the same errors, did you manage to run it?
Im having the same issues. Did you all ever find a solution?