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AWS Usage Tool

Results 101 ice issues
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This PR updates AWS Java SDK to 1.11.221. All AWS clients are using builder class to instantiate. This fixes some edge cases when calling AWS api to us-east-1 region including...

Failed to parse billing data config: / ice_1 | | Error unacceptable character '' (0x3) special characters are not allowed ice_1 | in "'reader'", position 2 ice_1 | | Error...

**I'm having this issue in jimroth's fork, I can't find what is causing this problem.** ` 2020-05-17 07:05:38,728 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO BootStrap - Read ... | Error java.lang.NullPointerException | Error...

It's not really open source if it depends on non-free things; in this case, the dependency on Highcharts. Sexy as it may be, the highstock library is only free for...

Hi, I noticed today that our ICE installation crashes with the following error: ``` | Error 2018-01-18 08:04:16,965 [] ERROR tag.Operation - found different units for Lambda-GB-SecondGB ``` I haven't...

How to change default listen url: http://localhost:8080/${appName}?, I want to change this. Anyone can help me?

I want use https://ice:8080/ice/dashboard/summary to access ice dashboard instead of http://ice:8080/ice/dashboard/summary

My S3 bucket is in AWS-CHINA, region is "cn-northwest-1", but I didn't find anything about this in the src, Is ice support china-region? I used ice in kubernetes way. **Here...

Hi, Since the 12/07/2019, ICE stopped getting AWS EC2 Reserved Instances (RIs) information. It will only displays the cost of your on-demand EC2 instances. Therefore ICE _ec2_instance_ costs are on-demand...