react-chromecast icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-chromecast copied to clipboard

Cast sender and Cast Receiver abstraction to React

React-Chromecast Icon


react-chromecast is abstraction to cast_sender and cast_receiver (chromecast libs) of google.

This lib just work in chrome and chrome based browsers like the new Edge. This lib use react hooks. This is a working in progress lib then could have some bugs and not have some functions.


  • Connect browser with chromecast
  • Send url media to chromecast play
  • add more url media to chromecast queue
  • play
  • pause
  • jump to specified second
  • jumpt to next media in queue
  • jump to prev media in queue

How to use

First you need to install the lib using using npm npm install react-chromecast or using yarn yarn add react-chromecast

Second, every react-chromecast hooks should by a component inside CastProvider

import React from 'react';
import CastProvider from 'react-chromecast';

function App () {
    return (
                // your components goes here

after that you can use the useCast and useMedia react-chromecast hooks inside your components.

Usage Example:


useCast function, you could pass an object argument with 2 properties initialize_media_player where you pass media receiver id or "DEFAULT_MEDIA_RECEIVER_APP_ID" to use default media receiver player, and auto_initialize where you pass a boolean value, if you not pass this you should initialize cast media player receiver by your self using cast.initiliazeCast function, passing the media receiver id, if you pass true value you should pass initialize_media_player.

// CastButton component
import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
import { useCast } from 'react-chromecast';

function CastButton () {
    const cast = useCast({
        initialize_media_player: "DEFAULT_MEDIA_RECEIVER_APP_ID",
        auto_initialize: true,
    const handleClick = useCallback(async () => {
        if(cast.castReceiver) {
            await cast.handleConnection();
    }, [cast.castReceiver, cast.handleConnection])
    return (
        <button onClick={handleClick}>castIcon</button>

useCast will return an object with castReceiver, castSender, isConnect, initializeCast, handleConnection.

  • castReceiver: is undefined until the CastProvider provide castReceiver from, you could use to do everything by yourself. documentation here.
  • castSender: is undefined until the CastProvider provide castSender from window.cast.framework, you could use to do everything by yourself. documentation here.
  • isConnect: is a boolean indicating if the page is connect with chromecast.
  • initializeCast: if auto_initialize was passe with true value, this will be undefined, if not, will be an async function to initialize cast media player, you should pass media receiver id like parameter.
  • handleConnection: async function to connect and disconnect page with chromecast


// Videocomponent
import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
import { useMedia } from 'react-chromecast';

const mediaSrc = ""

function Video() {
    const media = useMedia()
    const playVideo = useCallback(async () => {
    if (media) {
      await media.playMedia(mediaSrc);
  }, [media]);
  return (
        <button onClick={playVideo}>Play</button>

useMedia will return an object with playMedia, addMedia, play, pause, isMedia, next, prev, to.

  • playMedia: async function to play an media url on chromecast, you should pass an media url like function parameter
  • addMedia: async function to add an media url to chromecast queue, you should pass an media url like function parameter
  • play: async function to play actual chromecast media
  • pause: async function to pause actual chromecast media
  • isMedia: boolean to indicate if chromecast is playing an media (when connected)
  • next: async function to jump to next video in chromecast queue
  • prev: async function to jump to prev video in chromecast queue
  • to`: async function to jump to second passed in parameter

media url should be an url accessible to chromecast like an external url eg: "", or an internal server accessible in the same network. actually you need to use playMedia before use other functions like (addMedia).

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