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Create a topic outline for "Performance Reviews"
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Ahead of the participant's submission of their performance reviews (weeks 9 - 11), they should have an interactive lesson that gives more clarity about what the process of giving and receiving a performance review looks like. The lesson should anonymize past participant feedback, go over with cohort staff, and revisited throughout the day in various forms:
- During Stand Up: Staff should provide an overview of what the cohort has accomplished to-date as a reminder of what they can prospectively review about their cohort-mates. Staff will ask them to discuss performance review feedback [A].
- After Stand Up: There should be an activity that asks them to discuss performance review feedback [B] with their cohort buddies.
- Throughout the Day: There should be an activity that asks them to discuss performance review feedback [A] & [B] with their mentor, as well.
- During Wrap Up: Staff should follow up with participants about what their mentors shared, and what they learned.
Please explain any of your "disagree" or "somewhat disagree" responses (the more someone knows the more they can improve).
- [A] It can be difficult to fully assess their autonomy due to some inconsistencies in participation. When they are engaged, they demonstrates a strong ability to work independently, but more consistent presence would allow this to shine through more clearly.
- [B] When faced with challenges, they tend to focus on identifying problems rather than exploring solutions. Shifting towards a solution-oriented mindset could help them navigate frustration more easily and inspire those around them.
What is one thing this person could do to improve their recommendation score as a great coworker (please give clear and actionable feedback)?
- [A] I would encourage them to proactively seek more opportunities for collaboration and advocate for themselves in group discussions outside of staff-led meetings. Their ideas are valuable, and more active participation would benefit both them and their teammates.
- [B] There's been times that they have used the incorrect pronouns for someone, so maybe taking more time to learn cohort mate's pronouns and/or checking it with them if their unsure.
What is one thing that this person has done well or shown great growth with during their time at Techtonica?
- [A] I've rarely worked with them, but they are confident and add a really interesting flair to their projects. They has a good energy and strike the balance of happily contributing to meetings, while also leaving space for others. Their vocal with questions and easily admits when they don't know something which creates a safe space for others to do the same.
- [B] I love their energy, their positivity, their communication style, and their ability to pick up concepts. They are the ideal coworker because of how approachable and kind they are, while being conscientious and smart.
Is there anything else that it could be helpful for this person to know?
- [A] They should work on speaking up more and reaching out more because when they do, they are great at it.
- [B] You are going above and beyond with your projects, and I am always so impressed, BUT please take care of yourself! Please sleep and respect boundaries to take care of yourself so you can continue creating these magnificent apps!!
Page where problem found?
Add the lesson to this "practice" directory.
Type of problem
Understanding how to give actionable performance review feedback that supports growth. As well as, exposure to receiving both positive and negative feedback.
Suggested Solution
This lesson should provide interactive activities for the participants to review anonymized past participants feedback to determine how to interact with it. Such as:
- asking for recommendation of how to address the feedback or seek more examples
- determine which feedback is useful for growth and other feedback that requires no action
- understand which feedback is actionable and which is not