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Has anyone considered porting Mesh to use DIDs (Decentralized Identifiers) and DIDCOMM (as a message transport)?
Has anyone considered porting Mesh to use DIDs (Decentralized Identifiers) and DIDCOMM (as a message transport)?
I'm going to take a serious look at this and was wondering if anyone has already taken a kick at this can?
- W3C DID Core:
Thanks for the post. Mesh uses a proprietary p2p protocol that uses TCP transport and Kademlia based DHT to find peers. There is no other kind of implementation available for the project.
There is a plan to update this project to work cross platform with .NET in future.
My idea is to replace the identity functionality with DIDs and the messaging protocol with DIDCOMM ...I'm borrowing the UX and overall project structure.
p.s. @ShreyasZare I'm the same fellow who cloned your DNSServer repository to create a DID Document Registry server that exposes itself using the standard DNS protocol.