William Lucid

Results 11 comments of William Lucid

Getting multiple ArduinoJson errors refering to upgrade to version 6. Already have on my upgraded; still getting errors. I have ArduinoJson library Version 6.15.0 installed. [Alertme --errors.txt](https://github.com/connornishijima/AlertMe/files/4393606/Alertme.--errors.txt) [ContactSensor_Alertme.zip](https://github.com/connornishijima/AlertMe/files/4393611/ContactSensor_Alertme.zip) William

Swapped radio; issue is resolved. Should there be an immediate response from the Transmit ping test?

I have taken the configure IRQ example and modified it for use in relay project. Even now I still have Core Panic after seeing "IRQ pin is actively LOW". `nRF24L01+...

Would it be possiable to have a basic IRQ config for using interrupts; for example just minimum needed to implement in a project? I did my best to sort out...

Should there be Serial Prints in an isr; think I read they should not be used in isr and the time spent in isr short.

Getting ready to test; have moved everything below whatHappen to a conditional flag in loop.

This is how I setup the isr; moving the function to loop with a conditional statement of interruptResults: `portMUX_TYPE mux = portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED; volatile int interruptResults; void isr() { portENTER_CRITICAL_ISR(&mux); interruptResults...

Have "Switch Project" turning switch on and off using RF24 IRQ interrupt: 22:16:27.790 -> Boot number: 2 22:16:27.822 -> 22:16:27.822 -> IRQ pin is actively LOW 22:16:27.822 -> data_sent: 1,...

Any way to lower current comsumption? Standby I or II?. Measured 25.5 mA with RF24_PA_LOW. Will be running from battery...