SmartAlertDialog icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SmartAlertDialog copied to clipboard


With this library you can easily use alert dialog in Android.

Made changes for :

  • Remove default icon and add custom icon
  • Long Contents can be scrollable
  • Can change title and sub title color
  • Can change the Fort

Methods Used for:

  • setTitle() //String
  • setSubTitle() //String
  • setCancalable() //boolean
  • setCustomIcon() //drawable
  • setTitleColor() //Color
  • setSubTitleColor() //Color
  • setTitleFont() //Typeface
  • setSubTitleFont() //Typeface
  • setNegativeButtonHide() //boolean
  • useNeutralButton() //boolean
  • setPositiveButton()
  • setNeutralButton()
  • setNeutralButton()

With Two Buttons

With One Button

To install the library just add this line to your gradle:
implementation 'com.github.TecOrb-Developers:SmartAlertDialog:v1.0'

And add this where you want:

       new SmartDialogBuilder(context)
            .setPositiveButton(getString(R.string.txt_ok), new SmartDialogClickListener() {
                public void onClick(SmartDialog smartDialog) {
            .setNegativeButton(getString(R.string.txt_cancel), new SmartDialogClickListener() {
                public void onClick(SmartDialog smartDialog) {

            .setNeutralButton(getString(R.string.txt_later), new SmartDialogClickListener() {
                public void onClick(SmartDialog smartDialog) {

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