node-afk icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
node-afk copied to clipboard

Away from keyboard!


Trigger an action when the activity status of the user changes.


  • Node.js >= 8.0.0


npm install afk

This module uses a native module that needs to be built using node-gyp.

On linux you will need to install libxss-dev and pkg-config to ensure that the native module dependency can be built.


const NodeAFK = require('afk');

const inactivityDuration = 1000 * 10; // the user will be considered `idle` after 10 seconds

const afk = new NodeAFK(inactivityDuration);


afk.on('status:idle', () => {
  // the status of the user changed from `active` to `idle`

afk.on('status:active', () => {
  // the status of the user changed from `idle` to `active`

node-afk is an event emitter and emits the following events:

  • status:idle - the status of the user changed from active to idle
  • status:active - the status of the user changed from idle to active
  • status-changed - the status of the user changed. An object is passed to the listener for this event containing details of the previous and current status.
  • error - an error occured
afk.on('status-changed', ({ previousStatus, currentStatus }) => {
  // `previousStatus` is the status of the user before their status changed
  // `currentStatus` is the status of the user after their status changed

You can unregister a listener from an event using the off method of the event emitter:'status:idle', idleListener);

You can also setup a listener that is executed when the status of the user has been their current status for a certain duration:

afk.on('idle:5000', () => {
  // the user has been `idle` for 5 seconds

afk.on('active:15000', () => {
  // the user has been `active` for 15 seconds

These events will be emitted each time the status of the user is changed.

If an error occurs whilst trying to retrieve the idle time from the system an error event will be emitted:

afk.on('error', (err) => {
  // an error occurred


constructor(inactivityDuration, [pollInterval])

Create a new instance of node-afk

  • inactivityDuration - How long (in ms) until the user can be inactive until they are considered as idle
  • pollInterval - How often (in ms) should node-afk query the system to get the the amount of time that the user has been away for (1000ms by default)

on(eventName, listener)

Register a listener on an event

  • eventName - status:active, status:idle, status-changed, <status>:<time>, error
  • listener - Function to be executed when the event is emitted

off(eventName, listener)

Unregister a listener from an event

  • eventName - The name of the event
  • listener - The listener associated with the event


Initalise the node-afk instance.

This is required to be called so that the poll interval is setup.


Stops the poll interval and removes all event listeners.


Contributions are always welcome. Make sure you write tests for anything you add or change. We also enforce AirBNB ESLint rules.
