material-ui-time-picker copied to clipboard
Disable range of time
I would like to suggest a possible feature for the TimePicker. I would like to have the option to disable hours and minutes like in Material-UI DatePicker with "minDate" and "maxDate" parameters. It would be useful to set the available time range.
For example, <TimePicker from={'9:50'} to={'16:33'} />
A fully flexible approach that works more like DatePicker's shouldDisableDate
const allowHours = ({hours})=> hours >=9 && hours <= 16
const allowMinutes = ({hours, minutes})=> (
(hours==9 && minutes>=50) ||
(hours==16 && minutes<=33) ||
return <TimePicker allowHours={allowHours} allowMinutes={allowMinutes}/>
Or a better compromise:
const allowedTimes = [{from: '9:50', to: '16:33'}]
return <TimePicker allowedTimes={allowedTimes}/>
@etairi Good idea! :+1:
@gunn Your first option is far too complicated imho, and the second option is just a more complicated way to configure what @etairi suggested. :wink:
@leMaik agreed on the first option. The point of the second option is to allow this:
const officeHours = [{from: '9:00', to: '12:00'}, {from: '13:00', to: '17:00'}]
return <TimePicker allowedTimes={officeHours}/>