UnityBuildManager copied to clipboard
Utility for running builds sequence & pushing them to markets & keeping changelog
Build & Changelog manager
Utility for running builds sequence & pushing them to itch.io and github
'Build & Changelog manager' is an asset that can:
- Run multiple builds
- Archivate build
- Push build to itch.io
- Push build to Github releases
- Auto optimizes release builds for better performace and testing builds for faster build time
- Maintain defines and options for each build and sequence
- Keep changelog and readme files
- Auto adds changelog and readme to game folders
Also it nicely integrated with Team-on Unity game template
Editor window & how to use it
Here are main(and only one) Build manager window. Open it in Windows/BuildManager/Builds window or Alt+B. Lets look into it step by step
Global data
First foldout is responsible for global data, that usually setuped once or before major builds.
- Company name, Product name, Version, Android bundle version and Scripting defines is just a shortcut for PlayerSettings
- Itch.io link - required data for itch.io pushing. You can press on Docs to get how to generate that and Open to open your game page
- Github token - token with read, write:packages and delete:packages access. You can press on Generate to get how to generate that and Docs to look how that work
- Github user name - github user or group name
- Github repo name - repository name
Build buttons
Here are buttons that run build sequences. There are one button for each sequence. You can hide button by disabling sequence
Sequence general
This is sequence settings. Here you can enable/disable sequence via chech box, change it name and add/remove sequences.
Sequence settings
This is global sequence data. Currently you can only add more Scripting defines to specific sequence. It would be added to defines written in Global data
Build settings
This is build settings group. Here you can enable/disable build via chech box, change it name, select target and set build settings.
For each build you can set this data:
- Passby build check mark - Use previously builded folder and just pass that to post build processing
- Release build check mark - Apply release optimizations for build. When unchecked - optimized for faster building
- VR build check mark - enable VR for build
- Output root - Output root path
- Middle path - Output specific path. Support variables
- Dir path - path to directory that will be archived and pushed to itch.io. Support variables
- Defines build override - add more Scripting defines to specific build. It would be added to defines written in Global data and Sequence settings
List of supported variables for path:
- $NAME - product name with all separator replaced by '_'
- $PLATFORM - platform
- $VERSION - PlayerSettings.bundleVersion
- $DATESHORT - [last 2 digits of year] [month] [day]
- $YEARSHORT - last 2 digits of year
- $DATE - [year] [month] [day]
- $YEAR - year
- $MONTH - month
- $DAY - day
- $TIME - [hour] [minute]
- $EXECUTABLE - platform-specific executable. E.g. .exe for windows, .apk for android...
Post build processing:
- Compress - create .zip archive
- Push to github releases - use data from Global data to push build to github releases
- Push to itch.io - use data from Global data to push build to itch.io
- itch.io channel - channel for itch.io
Changelog general
This is changelog foldout. You need to close it, to get access to builds window back. Here you can do 2 things.
- Write Readme.txt file. This file will be included to build folder for standalone platforms.
- Keep and update changelog. It will automatically parse and created nice looking file that ill be included to build folder for standalone platforms.
Changelog version
So how to keep your changelog? Press on Add version - add new version.
For each version you can:
- Remove version
- Set version number
- Set version date
- Set short update name
- Write description about update
- Add changelog notes. You can select for them Type, Scope, check mark is this community suggested feature and add description
- Remove note
Updating CLI
Build manager automatically download CLI for each platform in first use, but never updates it. You can update it manually in Windows/BuildManager/Download X
(For Unity 2018.3 or later) Using OpenUPM
This package is available on OpenUPM.
You can install it via openupm-cli.
openupm add com.teamon.buildmanager
(For Unity 2019.2 or later) Through Unity Package Manager
- MenuItem - Window - Package Manager
- Add package from git url
- paste
(For Unity 2018.3 or later) Using Git
Find the manifest.json file in the Packages folder of your project and add a line to dependencies
"com.teamon.buildmanager": "https://github.com/Team-on/UnityBuildManager.git"
Or, use UpmGitExtension to install and update the package.
For Unity 2018.2 or earlier
- Download a source code zip this page
- Extract it
- Import it into the following directory in your Unity project
(It works as an embedded package. For Unity 2018.1 or later) -
(Legacy way. For Unity 2017.1 or later)
From Unity Asset Store
- https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/188940
- Add it to project as usual