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please add a table to record players chat
I'm a chinese developer ,when i host a squad server sometimes, players in the server will insult other players through the chat box, we need to record the information of these people through the plug-in, and then ban them through our joint Ban system
Feature exists, configre the DiscordChat plugin in config.json
Remove the "SquadChat" entry from the ignorechats key if you want to log everything.
I believe, due to the reference to 'tables' that this is a request to store it via mysql/sqlite etc.
Its a simple enough thing to do.
If I have time this weekend I'll add it to DBlog or make another plugin specifically for it.
@willyautoman Are you using the DB-log plugin? I assume you want this in mysql.
I'm thinking a simple schema:
Time Steamid Chat (TeamChat/SquadChat/AdminChat) Message
But I could also add in cross references to
Match Server Player (SteamUser)
@willyautoman Linked pull request will close this once its merged.