NetworkInference.jl copied to clipboard
get_nodes needs broadcasting `.=` in setindex!
Thanks a for building this tool, it is really helpful!
I got an error as
ArgumentError: indexed assignment with a single value to many locations is not supported; perhaps use broadcasting
when I used get_nodes.
It worked for me before but I was trying a new set of data. I am new to Julia and just wondered if there is any ways I could go around with it. Or it might be something wrong with the data sturcture?
Thanks a lot, Ryan
Hi, I'm glad you're finding this helpful, and thanks for reporting the issue.
Julia versions >1.0 disallow certain ways of assigning values to an array that were allowed in previous versions. I can't find the problem in NetworkInference, but it might be in your version of InformationMeasures (a dependency of NetworkInference), since it was recently fixed there.
Failing that, there could be a problem with the data if it worked with other datasets...
Did you see a stack trace or file/line number with your error?